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Welcome Manual


Category: .

Product Description

The Reception Manual aims to incorporation of the company's new hires, providing these people with the necessary knowledge about the constitution of the company, its operation, the relations interpersonal, etc. A welcome manual collects all the relevant information for the new worker: organizational chart, vacations, payroll, calendars,... It must provide answers to all the concerns of the new worker, facilitating their integration as one of their own. Is necessary and very useful for companies with high staff turnover.

Did you know...?

Creating a Welcome Manual helps:

…That the new staff is integrated into their respective jobs, with a performance optimal, in the shortest possible time.

Ensure Communicate everything necessary to the employee.

… Ensure that the person who joins the staff is involved from the beginning, in a common project, with the contribution of their highest level of knowledge, skills and attitudes, which will be profitable for the company and for the personal and professional development of the employee. new personnel.

Check that the employee knows (signs) the legislation that concerns him.