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E-commerce platform for the regional art craft (CARM)

The combination of art, technology and business gives rise to regional resources, keeps traditions alive and makes local economy international, reinforcing the image of its inner values.

The Art craft Centres of Murcia Region, under the Economic Improvement, Tourism and Employment Department, are focused on the historic trajectory of its art traditions, but with the wide vision of a great platform of commercialisation that is the internet.

Once more, we were in charge of make the modernisation of this sector real with our innovation and digital skills.

The Network of Art Craft Centres of Murcia with 3 different locations (Lorca, Cartagena and Murcia) enhances the creative cultural community with a great range of activities, workshops, fairs and meetings.

What we offer?

  • Creation of a website for the Art craft Centres.
  • Online shop (internet payment gateway).
  • Positioning and dissemination of the project. (SEO, video reports, marketing of contents).
If you have any doubts...