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As we told you previously, the Almería City Council has entrusted us with the development and execution of one of the itineraries that make up the training plan framed within the Almería T-Integra with employment project. This project includes a series of training actions for Vocational Training for Employment and Mainjobs Group is in charge of organizing and teaching the “Auxiliary Commerce Activities” itinerary. The project, aimed at the labor insertion of the most vulnerable people in the province of Almería, reinforces our commitment to training projects aimed at improving professional skills and employability,…
Mainjobs Group will collaborate with the León City Council in the development and implementation of its new web portal, whose main objective is to allow citizens to be better informed of everything that happens in their municipality. With the development of the new Municipal Website, the León City Council aims to strengthen relations between the Public Administration and citizens, extend and promote the use of new technologies, as well as expand and improve the Citizen Service service. This project reinforces our commitment to reducing the digital divide by reducing existing differences in the...
Mainjobs Group embarks on a new training project for Public Administrations. This time we will collaborate with the Municipal Housing and Land Company of Madrid (EMVS), designing a training program for its internal staff aimed at management and awareness of the principles of Transparency in Public Management, Protection of Personal Data, Regulatory Compliance and Prevention of Money Laundering. An online training program will be carried out adapted to the needs of each job according to the functions of their competencies and taking into account the different levels of responsibility of…
Mainjobs Group has been selected to collaborate in the “COSLADA. OPPORTUNITIES FOR EMPLOYMENT", charged to the aid of the European Social Fund provided for in the Operational Program of Employment, Training and Education, whose purpose is that the group of vulnerable people can improve their socio-labor insertion in sectors with good prospects for employment. employability, and in accordance with the demand of the business fabric of the municipality of Coslada. In this case, we will be in charge of organizing and teaching the “Transport and distribution organization” itinerary. The objective of the project is to ensure that long-term unemployed people acquire the…
Zeta District: The digital transformation to live in a Smart neighborhood What happens when you ask Generation Z where and how they want to live? That digital transformation is in every corner of the neighborhood you imagine. In case you don't know what generation zeta is, also known as centennials or zoomers, we'll update you: They are people born after 1995. The oldest are 26 years old and are looking for their place in the labor market. and the youngest ones are only 11 years old. Not only are they digital natives, their lives revolve around technology...
In February 2021, “Chain of Favors” was released, a minor film that revolved around the role that each of us plays in society, what we are expected to contribute and, in general, the synergies and dynamics that mark our behavior. . It is based on the premise that a person has to do three selfless favors for three complete strangers to trigger a progressive improvement that makes the world a better place. Coincidences of life, around that time Amazon began to establish itself as a serious alternative to the new fashion of online shopping. One of …
At Grupo Mainjobs we continue to incorporate Public Administrations into our client portfolio, with the State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT) being the last public entity that has trusted us to outsource ICT services. Over the next year we will offer the Tax Agency all the support services necessary for the maintenance and development of new functionalities of its e-learning training platform, as well as the adaptation and development of the infrastructures and programs used by said platform to cover the needs of the AEAT. We will also provide direct technical support to teachers and students who use the...
From Grupo Mainjobs we are once again collaborating with the Action Against Hunger Foundation for an Employment School, similar to the one developed in Vélez-Málaga, framed in the Vives Proyecto strategy. This time Algeciras will be the municipality where we will develop this Employment School, aimed at facilitating the socio-labor insertion of unemployed people who are in a vulnerable situation, through the acquisition and/or improvement of professional skills and the learning of basic technical knowledge. required by companies in digital administrative management. The Employment School will train 50 unemployed people in vulnerable situations, who…
At Grupo Mainjobs we have been developing numerous projects for years aimed at promoting the digitalization of the Andalusian business fabric, helping its companies to be more competitive, and helping them to become an element that generates innovation and competitiveness within the regional economy. This experience and knowledge has caused us to be selected again by the Andalusian Society for the Development of Telecommunications (SANDETEL) for the design and execution of a new digital training project. This exciting specialized training project for professionals in the Andalusian ICT sector is promoted with the following objectives: Improve training…
Talent is not cheap and, furthermore, it is worth its price in gold. The term knowmad or knowledge nomad was created in 2011 by John Moravec to describe a new type of worker that had emerged at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. In 2015, Raquel Roca would talk about knowmads in her book «Knowmads. "The workers of the future." We, for a change, got ahead of ourselves and have had several on staff for years. But what is a knowmad? A knowmad or knowledge nomad is that profile capable of daring to know about many topics, who has...
There is no doubt that the pandemic has transformed everything, even what was foreseeable, although at breakneck speed. Beyond achieving “herd immunity” with vaccines and recovering the economy through aid and stimulus, we must face an inexorable reality: in many aspects, our lives will never be the same. And work is one of those aspects. The initial forced migration of work from the office to home not only became natural, but was later preferred by 73% of working people, according to recent research from Microsoft[i]. [Yo] …
How happy we are to give good news! And even more so when it is not only about work but also about something that worries us so much at Grupo Mainjobs, such as the environment. Today we want to inform you that the Ministry of Defense has entrusted us with the development of the content of two environmental and energy management courses and their online delivery. These are courses that aim to provide the necessary skills to adequately and effectively manage environmental sustainability and energy efficiency in the Bases, Barracks and Establishments (BAE) of the Ministry of Defense: Advanced Course on Environmental and Energy Management. …