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Mainjobs Group will collaborate with the Health Service of Castilla-La Mancha (SESCAM) to support its General Directorate of Human Resources in carrying out training activities in the online modality. Over the next year, Mainfor will help SESCAM manage, direct and coordinate its online training strategy, as well as provide technical assistance on its different LMS platforms. In the same way, we will offer training, consulting and support for the implementation of internal and external e-learning projects. To tackle this project, a multidisciplinary team will be formed that can add value from different perspectives: strategic project management, specialized ICT support...
Mainjobs Group will collaborate with the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) to deliver part of its annual continuous training plan. Specifically, we will train more than 800 workers on topics such as sustainable mobility, road safety, equal opportunities or the problem of gender violence. This training plan seeks professional retraining and continuous improvement of the DGT's internal staff, putting at their disposal a complete e-learning training plan developed under a practical, participatory and close methodology in tutoring. Leading the project, a team has been deployed…
MainJobs Group collaborates in the delivery of the training itineraries of the Alhaurín de la Torre City Council. The application period is now open for the third call for the Fórmate-Alhaurín de la Torre Project, framed within the Operational Program for Employment, Training and Education (POEFE), subsidized by the European Social Fund and intended for local entities to co-finance initiatives or projects to promote social inclusion, the fight against poverty and any form of discrimination. All information for interested parties is available at the Jabalcuza Municipal Training and Employment Center, located on Caldera Street…
Companies that wish to do so have until October 15 to request the extension of the ERTE from November 1, 2021 to February 28, 2022, as contemplated in Royal Decree-Law 18/2021, of September 28. In this extension of the measures associated with the temporary regulation of employment due to the pandemic, a significant change occurs with respect to the previous ones and is the creation of a new type of ERTE linked to training that will additionally benefit companies that train To their workers. Thus, companies that promote…
The consulting firm Great Place To Work® announces the 1st edition of the Best Workplaces Ranking Málaga 2021 This award annually recognizes companies located in Málaga as exemplary workplaces, based on the perception of employees and good practices and organizational culture policies . The company's commitment to having inspiring leadership, generating a good work environment and promoting pride in belonging to Grupo Mainjobs, among the issues most valued by its professionals. 90% of employees believe the company is a Great Place to Work More than 78%…
MainJobs Group participates in the VIII edition of the NovaGob Congress, which opens its doors to welcome all people from the public innovation community. This 2021 edition will be the second in online format and will represent a new leap in quality in the offering of content and possibilities for interaction between participating people. The event that the NovaGob Foundation has organized since 2014 comes this year from the Government of Aragon and its LAAAB, the Andalusian Institute of Public Administration and the Democracy and Local Government Foundation, as well as many other entities that make possible...
A Great Place to Work is an organization that wants to achieve excellent business results by taking care of the people who are part of it. They are companies, associations, universities... that have understood the value of the members of their organization to achieve the objectives they set. The difference with the rest of the organizations is that they are able to balance important tasks with emergencies. That is, they are aware of the importance of recognizing, listening, developing... and they do it today, not tomorrow. They tend to be business success stories, because they are focused on continuous improvement, because they are required...
MainJobs Group and our International Graduate School participate in the XXI AECA International Congress that is being held these days in Toledo at the University of Castilla La Mancha. This Congress constitutes one of the main international forums for study and debate, which will bring together professionals from Spain, Portugal and more than twenty countries in Latin America and other places in the world, with a forecast of nearly five hundred professionals, teachers and researchers, directors of large companies and SMEs and self-employed workers, who will strengthen personal ties, establishing collaborations and creating synergies in their activities. This year's objective is the debate of new...
Mainjobs Group collaborates in the “online training school for young people of Iznájar” with the Youth Delegation of the Iznájar City Council and with the Andalusian Youth Institute of the Junta de Andalucía. It is a project of 15 courses and with a total of 100 places. The only requirement is to be registered in the municipality of Iznájar. The free courses offered are: “Online business creation”, “Human resources management”, “Bar/cafeteria management”, “Innovation in the kitchen”, “Bar logistics”, “Food service in healthcare centres”, “Food handler”, “Allergen management”, “Online business management…
Mainjobs Group collaborates in the project “Specialized support service for the coordination and execution of the Galician framework in digital skills” for the Agency for Technological Modernization of Galicia (AMTEGA). A specialized technical support program will be carried out that offers strategic, operational and monitoring advice on the start-up, coordination and execution activities of the Galician digital skills framework. The development of this framework involves the specification of the contents of the Galician framework and the determination of the evaluation mechanisms, as well as the selection and implementation of the technological tools that...
Mainjobs Group will be in charge of the design and development of an online course on Data Protection and Proactive Responsibility for the staff of FREMAP, Mutual Collaborator with Social Security nº61. The course is aimed at the entire FREMAP staff, contemplating two profiles of recipients, one healthcare and the other administration and management. Its objective is to update and reinforce knowledge that allows us to comply with the obligations derived from Data Protection regulations. This project reinforces our commitment to training courses aimed at raising employee awareness of the importance of the correct application of...
Mainjobs Group collaborates in the “Andújar por el Empleo” project within the framework of the aid program of the European social fund, prior to the operational program of employment, training and education, aimed at local entities for the integration of the most vulnerable people (AP -POEFE) for the Hon. Andújar City Council. The training itineraries offered are: “Installation and maintenance of gardens and green areas”, “Auxiliary activities in nurseries, gardens and garden centers”, “Administrative activities in customer relations”, “Organization and management of warehouses”, “ Social health care for people at home” and “Social health care for dependent people in institutions…