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International Graduate School and Fundae sign a collaboration agreement to include training in new technologies in Digitalízate+
The Malaga company Grupo Mainjobs helps the Cudeca foundation with one of its fundraising tools.
The Andalusian Social Services and Dependency Agency (ASSDA) of the Government of Andalusia has trusted Grupo Mainjobs to teach the course on equal opportunities in the management of organizations, which begins today, February 25 and will end on February 24. April. During this time we will train 58 people and they will also receive two webinars on: The objective of this training is to raise awareness among ASSDA staff about the importance of equal opportunities, helping them to identify causes and risk factors that perpetuate the inequality. Therefore, after the training, we are going to improve the training…
The City Council of A Coruña has trusted Grupo Mainjobs to provide commerce and marketing training itineraries in the e-learning modality for the Municipal Employment and Business Service contemplated in the Economic and Social Reactivation Plan of A Coruña (PRESCO). The objective is to improve the employability and job placement preferably of unemployed people, people inserted in an ERTE or self-employed people who have had to suspend their activity due to the pandemic caused by COVID 19 and who are preferably registered in the municipality of A Coruña. The training itinerary…
The Department of Employment, Training and Self-Employment of the Government of Andalusia and Grupo Mainjobs launch the Andalucía is IN Training program, to train 3,000 Andalusian job seekers at levels B2 and C1 of English. The Department of Employment, Training and Self-Employment of the Government of Andalusia has trusted Grupo Mainjobs to train a total of 3,000 Andalusian job seekers free of charge, so that they acquire the necessary English language skills so that they can apply for the accreditation tests for levels B2 and C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages…
An incentive has been received from the Andalusian Innovation and Development Agency IDEA, of the Junta de Andalucía, for an amount of €3,110, co-financed in an 80% by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, FEDER for the realization of the project Digitization of the marketing process through automation with the aim of guaranteeing better use of information technologies.
The Governing Board of the Malaga City Council has trusted Mainfor Technological Solutions and Training to provide entrepreneurship workshops to the students of the Schools in the municipality of Malaga. The training will be carried out in person, through group classes depending on the school year they are taking. The objective is to foster in students the personal qualities that constitute the basis of the entrepreneurial spirit through values such as creativity, initiative, responsibility, the ability to face risks and independence. Each workshop will last 6 hours, 2 hours per…
The National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) has trusted Mainfor Technological Solutions and Training to train its employees and managers in English. The training will be carried out in person, through group classes for employees or individual classes for managers. The objective is the development of different professional skills through a “workshop” methodological approach. The classes will be highly participatory, dynamic and varied, and diverse materials adapted to the needs of the participants will be used (audiovisuals, written, simulations). This project aims to provide CNMV employees with an important tool,…
The Municipal Institute for Training and Employment (IMFE) has entrusted Grupo Mainjobs with the design and development of the training itineraries for assistant technician for cleaning surfaces and furniture in buildings and premises, toy library assistant and men's hairdressing and barbershop assistant. , for the development of the AQUILEO project belonging to the Employment, Training and Education Operational Program (POEFE) of the European Social Fund. These training programs aim to improve the socio-labor insertion of people belonging to the most vulnerable groups, through activation and integrated and personalized content insertion itineraries…
The Department of Employment, Training and Self-Employment of the Government of Andalusia has trusted Mainfor Technological Solutions and Training to train a total of 3,000 Andalusian job seekers free of charge, so that they acquire the necessary English language skills so that they can take the accreditation tests for levels B2 and C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL). This project aims to provide participants with an important tool, such as English, considering it in many cases key for professional growth and to increase competitiveness in the...
Andalucía Emprende, Andalucía Public Foundation has entrusted Grupo Mainjobs with the design, content development, delivery and implementation of mentoring for entrepreneurs of the Innovation for Rural Entrepreneurship program, aimed at entrepreneurs and workers of Andalucía Emprende. This training program will be carried out online, and will be focused on how to contribute to sustainable rural development and the fight against depopulation through entrepreneurship. They will learn how to design a business with impact and analyze business opportunities in their rural environment. This project reinforces the role of Grupo Mainjobs as a reference entity in…
Renfe has entrusted Grupo Mainjobs with the design and development of its latest corporate training project, which will be a Training of Trainers course for its Operational Personnel. This training program will be carried out in person, and will be adapted and personalized to the needs of the personnel responsible for carrying out training functions, offering them all the necessary tools to carry out their current training work. The course will have a common part for all groups in relation to the teaching methodology and the development of skills and two specific itineraries: Driving and Commercial. This project reinforces the…