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Mainjobs and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation have reached an agreement for the consultancy to join the 'Pact for Generation D', an initiative that seeks to develop and improve the digital skills of Spanish society. This new ministerial plan is supported by more than 50 public and private sector organizations, which are committed, according to the manifesto that they have all signed, to raise awareness in society about digitalization and make the means available to them free of charge. adapt to new technologies. The project is aimed at everyone…
Mainjobs has executed, through an award from the Valencia City Council, the 'Advice for the digital transformation of commercial activity in the Ciutat Vella district' program, in which more than 300 companies in the historic center of the city have participated. The project, which has offered a fully personalized consulting and support service in digital transformation to each of the 300 participating companies, has been executed in three phases: the first corresponds to a digital analysis phase of the company where the areas in which the technological transformation of the company itself…
Spanish companies are losing sleep over the lack of qualified labor. According to the latest HR Trends Report. HH., prepared jointly by the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE) and Randstad Research, the 53 % of companies considers that the talent deficit is the main challenge that they will have to face in 2023; Likewise, they maintain that next year filling a vacancy will be more difficult than it has been in 2022. Another report, this time from the specialized job search portal Infojobs, indicates that Spain registers more than 3,000...
We detail 3 success stories of the Accompaniment and digital transformation project executed by Mainjobs for the València Activa Foundation Today in Valencia we celebrate the closing of the Accompaniment and digital transformation project of 10 MicroSMEs of the València Activa Foundation. An initiative that has allowed us to work side by side with 10 companies in the Valencian Community, which we have turned into renewed, digitalized organizations, prepared to face the challenges of their present and future. This is the second phase of the pilot project led by València Activa which, together with the CEV (Business Confederation of the...
The consulting firm positions itself as a trusted company to digitize processes and develop the potential of public administrations. Often, the professional path of the civil service is a mystery for people who carry out their daily lives on the other side of the Public Administration. How do you grow professionally? How do you adapt to the new needs of your jobs? How does the State guarantee the development of its human capital? Although the effort that the Administration makes to stay updated and competitive in the globalized world in which we live is a silent work that often goes unnoticed, at Mainjobs we are...
Mainjobs makes its experience, knowledge and team available to the Barcelona Provincial Council for the creation and management of applications. The technology company will be part of the Framework Agreement for the provision of information systems development services for the Directorate of Technology and Corporate Systems Services. of the Barcelona Provincial Council. These services will be provided using, among others, various PHP technologies. Within this framework, Mainjobs will work on the development of new applications, always based on the new business needs reported by the management centers of the Barcelona Provincial Council; and giving…
The Ministry of Economy, Science and Digital Agenda of the Government of Extremadura, through the General Directorate of Business, has entrusted Mainjobs with the delivery of the Digital Transformation Training Program that will be provided to 40 entrepreneurs, management personnel and managers. Extremaduran companies have the knowledge and digital capabilities necessary to manage their companies in a digital environment. This is a free training program with a wide range of training resources focused on updating knowledge, skills and tools for the digital transformation of companies. The participants, through live webinars and…
Mainjobs starts its technical assistance and support service for Unidigital projects together with the public universities of the Valencian Community Today the meeting took place that gave the starting signal to the service awarded by the Jaume I University to Mainjobs, by which the technology will provide support in the design tasks of the evaluation and certification strategy of the digital skills of the university community. This service, which is part of the PRODIGITAL project, has as its main objective the improvement of digital skills in the university community, through…
The Opentalent 4.0 project begins its second phase of development to incorporate new functionalities associated with talent management through the automated accreditation of experience in the workplace, according to the ILUO method. A few months ago we announced the creation of this project to evaluate skills and talent management in companies through secure proctoring. Due to the success of the first phase, a second phase has been launched that will not only implement improvements in the program itself, but will also add other functionalities of great value in this area. …
The Municipal Housing and Land Company of Madrid (EMVS) trusts in Grupo Mainjobs to offer online training to its staff in matters of transparency, protection of personal data, regulatory compliance and prevention of money laundering. Mainjobs Group will also be in charge of designing, developing, programming and integrating the implementation of the contents of the training program, as well as the provision of teaching services to deliver the online modules aimed at the EMVS staff. In order to adapt to the responsibilities and jobs of the staff, participants have…
The Opentalent 4.0 project has developed a digital solution for skills assessment and talent management in companies through a secure proctoring system. This system offers a 360° interaction between workers and human resources departments that allows the development of selection processes, as well as the development of professional skills evaluation tests. The Opentalent 4.0 solution provides companies with a system that prevents identity theft in these evaluation processes and guarantees that each worker performs the tests using exclusively their skills: To achieve this, …
The Flash Session 2 entrepreneurship competition of the University of Malaga has managed to bring together more than 80 young entrepreneurs. On April 27, 28 and 29, the second edition of Flash Session is being held, an entrepreneurship competition created by the University of Malaga through its Link by UMA initiative, with the aim of giving a voice and a platform to those people who, within its ranks of students, have great business ideas and a desire to make them come true. Once again, the UMA has trusted Mainfor to land this exciting project of…