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Training for SME managers At Mainjobs we have been awarded by the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation through the EOI Foundation a new project for the development of an innovative training program where more than a thousand People with management positions in SMEs will be trained to digitally transform their organizations. The program, titled Digital Generation SMEs, is an ambitious project framed within the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan that allows professionals from companies with between 10 and 249 workers to participate, in a fully subsidized manner, in...
The Opentalenthub.com portal represents an important milestone in the development of the OPENTALENT 4.0 II project for the integration of talent information in a single space, providing business groups and business clusters with a common platform to structure and access key data. In collaboration with DataRush, we have managed to materialize this portal that takes full advantage of the potential of Digital People talent management software. Thanks to this integration, Opentalenthub.com offers a complete and seamless experience to manage and enhance talent within your organization. One of the highlights of the portal is the inclusion of…
Job insertion for vulnerable groups The Andalusian Employment Service (SAE) has awarded Mainjobs a seven-month social project to achieve the job insertion of 70 people belonging to vulnerable groups in the province of Malaga. To achieve this, we have designed and developed personalized itineraries and programs to achieve the employability of each and every one of the people who are part of the project. “Behind this new rewarding challenge there are 70 people with 70 families who trust our team to prosper professionally. There is no option to fail,” says Toñi González, director of Employment Projects…
Importance of training and continuous training 2023 has been named the European Year of Skills by the European Commission, with the aim of raising awareness in society about the importance of training and continuous training, promoting the acquisition of skills and knowledge relevant to the labor market and everyday life, and promote inclusion and equal opportunities in education and training. The European Commission, in cooperation with the European Parliament, Member States and other public bodies, has launched this initiative to achieve greater, more effective and …
Mainjobs has been awarded, by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, a project to develop and launch the digital teaching competence certification platform for the teachers of this state entity, based on the Competence Reference Framework teaching digital. This framework is a work plan developed by the Ministry of Education that defines the digital skills that teachers must have in order to provide quality education in the digital age. Our commitment to training and education With this initiative, we join the commitment of the Ministry...
Mainjobs has been awarded a project by the Navarrese Employment Service that pursues the professional specialization in computer security of 80 workers from the Foral Community. The consulting firm has been awarded this contract due to its extensive experience in the cybersecurity sector and the high capabilities of its expert technical team in this area, which for years has been devising and executing large-scale cybersecurity projects, both in the private sector as in collaboration with the public administration. “Public administrations are aware of the great challenge that cybersecurity represents…
Today, March 8, is International Women's Day. A day that has been gaining importance and prominence as society has become aware of the need for its existence. In 2023, the United Nations (UN) has decreed as the main theme for this day the theme “For an inclusive digital world: Innovation and technology for gender equality”, focusing on one of the great battles that we still have to face. fight as a society: the digital gender gap. When we talk about the digital divide, we refer to the inequality of access to Information Technologies...
Mainjobs has launched this week its digital knowledge certification platform, ComDix, an initiative of the Agency for Technological Modernization of Galicia (AMTEGA) together with CeMIT, and EGAP. Thus, the consulting firm is positioned as a European benchmark in the design and development of digital skills evaluation systems. The launch of this platform is included in the ComDix Training Plan, a training that allows citizens to acquire the necessary digital skills in the professional and work environment, and obtain a valid certification from any institution to demonstrate their knowledge. The success of this program is…
On February 22, Equal Pay Day is celebrated in Spain to raise awareness among citizens about the differences that continue to exist in remuneration between men and women. According to data from the International Labor Organization, women worldwide earn 20% more than men. In the European Union, according to Eurostat data, the wage difference is equivalent to 47 days of free work for women. These differences are what is known as the wage gap. One of the most used indicators to measure the level of achievement of equality of…
Mainjobs, awarded a 211,220 euro project by the Ministry of Finance, Economy and Public Function for the development of a technological training program with the aim of reducing the existing digital and gender gap in Ceuta. The purpose of this program, which will last until 2025, and will be managed through the Contracting Body of the Autonomous City of Ceuta, is to train citizens in digital skills and promote the digital transformation of companies and individuals in the autonomous community. All of this will be executed with a special focus on the digital divide…
Mainjobs and Andalucía Emprende have reached an agreement for the consulting firm to actively collaborate in the organization of the youth entrepreneurship program 'Hackathon Emprende'. Mainjobs' work in this project is to develop and prepare teaching materials that adapt to the needs of the program to promote the learning of each of the participants. Each edition is a unique opportunity to learn about the concerns and skills of young people, and provide them with a disruptive and informal learning environment that encourages entrepreneurial action. The 'Hackathon Emprende' program was born with the premise of improving the…
Mainjobs and the Ministry of Defense have signed an agreement with the aim of improving the digital skills of members of the Navy throughout 2023. The Spanish Navy, an administration that employs more than 20,000 people across all its divisions, is implementing improvements in digital matters to provide your team with the skills and competencies necessary to overcome the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities that new technologies present to your sector, where innovation is key. The agreement consists of the execution by Mainjobs of a custom-designed program intended…