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We are happy to inform you that the Andalusian Employment Service has once again trusted Mainfor to launch a project that will facilitate job intermediation for 4,000 unemployed people: on the one hand, young people between 18 and 29 years old and, on the other, long-term unemployed, two groups hard hit by the lack of employment. On this occasion we will provide services associated with other organizations, creating a temporary union of companies under the name “UTE Corporación Andaluza de Empleo”. The objective of this project is to provide comprehensive job placement services through guidance actions,…
Climate change presents a double challenge for any organization: on the one hand, the obligation to limit emissions in order to prevent further damage and, on the other, the essential adaptation to minimize the damage that is beginning to be palpable. There will be no social or economic progress that does not go hand in hand with sustainable development. Aware of this reality, the Environment and Water Agency of Andalusia has entrusted Mainfor with carrying out the “Climate Change Expert” course, a training action that will be developed in a blended mode and will allow the staff of the…
We are on our way to celebrating a year of “new realities”, so it is normal that there are people who feel exhausted or overwhelmed by so much bad news and by seeing the light at the end of the tunnel that is still far away. It is in situations like this when we have to draw on optimism and, above all, technoptimism to realize how much worse this same situation could have been in the past. And, in fact, it was much worse. So that you understand what we mean, do the mental exercise of trying to imagine what the previous pandemic was like, the so-called Spanish flu, which...
We are going to ask you a favor. We're off to a good start, right? For just 30 seconds look at the image above, blank your mind and let the black of the infographic fill that void. After printing the three levels in your head, think about your habits and how they can evolve into daily routines. Finally, evaluate how your process improvements and targeting capacity are built by the sum of simple routines. The following productivity tips that we are going to give you should be applied at these three progressive levels as a form of continuous improvement for your…
MainJobs Group has been selected by the Department of Economy, Science and Digital Agenda of the Government of Extremadura to develop a training plan to promote the digital transformation of companies aimed at their managers and middle managers. Its main objective is to improve the competitiveness of companies in the EUROACE territory (Extremadura, Center and Alentejo) through the incorporation of knowledge, technologies and innovations aimed at the digitalization of processes that result in the creation of products and services with greater added value. and improving the conditions for the emergence of new…
We are delighted to inform you that the Most Excellent Marbella City Council has granted Grupo Mainjobs the delivery and execution of various training itineraries carried out within the framework of the “Marbella Integra” project, whose main objective is to reinforce the employability and professional skills of people in situations or at risk. of social exclusion, in order to facilitate their socio-labor insertion. The training actions that we will carry out - which can lead to obtaining the corresponding professional certificate - are the following: Dynamization of children's and youth educational free-time activities (380 hours). Group processes, animation techniques and resources in activities…
This is perhaps the most wonderful image in the world and the best news in months. The great communicator Luis Quevedo accompanied her in a masterful way…the strange beauty of the human intellect…. The reaction of humanity to the threat to its survival in the form of the scientific, logistical and economic achievement of a viable vaccine in months. But in this biological war there are other collateral victims: the most obvious, the economic ones, but there are others not so close to the surface that can be dangerous. One of them, without a doubt, is the disappearance in practice of collective intelligence...
At Grupo Mainjobs we continue to offer solutions regarding digital transformation to the Public Administration. This time it is Andalucía Emprende, Andalusian Public Foundation, the entity that entrusts us with the training of its technical staff in this matter. This course, which will be taught online, will train the Administration's technical staff to effectively and up-to-date address the needs of entrepreneurial and self-employed people in these times of special difficulties, caused by the COVID 19 pandemic. Specifically, The course will develop content on the opportunities for integrating digital business into business strategy, defining the…
MainJobs Group has been selected by the Andalusian Social Services and Dependency Agency to raise awareness about gender violence among 80 of its workers. The course will be tutored by Adriana Escalona Barranquero (expert in Community Intervention, advisor on gender perspective, as well as expert Equality agent and trainer). This training will address interesting topics such as: General concepts and definition of gender violence. Intersectionality and situations of vulnerability in relation to gender violence. Gender violence in vulnerable groups: Older women. Women with disabilities. Women in a situation of dependency. Women in drug addiction situations. Internal and external resources for…
Mainjobs Group has been selected by the General Directorate of the Information Society of Melilla for the development of an ambitious and exciting digital training project for citizens. The characteristics of the Autonomous City of Melilla, both geographically and socially, with a high rate of immigration with low qualifications, cause a complex economic situation, with a high level of unemployment and inequalities that make specific action plans necessary to respond to employability needs, technological and professional training, focused on strengthening the productive fabric of the city. Mainjobs Group will put at the service of…
The Almería City Council has entrusted us with the development and execution of one of the itineraries that make up the training plan framed within the Almería T-Integra with employment project. This project includes a series of training actions for Vocational Training for Employment, and Grupo Mainjobs will be in charge of organizing and teaching the “Auxiliary Commerce Activities” itinerary. The six editions of the itinerary will initially be taught in person, implementing all safety and hygiene measures to guarantee a contagion-free environment. The project, aimed at the labor insertion of the most vulnerable people in the province...
At Grupo Mainjobs we continue to increase the number of Public Administration clients who entrust us with the outsourcing of strategic services. On this occasion, it is the Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development of the Junta de Andalucía that entrusts us with the organization, support and development of the “Life Lobo” International Seminar. This seminar is included within the Life Southern Wolves project, as one of the actions to be carried out within its work plan, conceived as an international seminar that will be held at the end of the project and through which all the actions carried out will be announced. …