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I am going to take you by the hand to start a different journey in space and time today. This trip will be, above all, a mental translation. It doesn't matter who you were, you're now in your twenties and living in the late fifties. A while ago you left your native Pittsburgh to pursue a career as an illustrator in exciting New York. You have made few friends because that subject is not your strong suit, due to your introverted nature and your delicate health which, since school, has not exactly made you popular. Despite your fragile appearance, you have gained something…
Interruptions and false productivity myths (I) One of the reasons that reduce the productivity of any person in a work context are interruptions, which can be of two types: Internal External In both cases we face a fight against the factors or elements that distract us inside "our" head, but also with external variables that we do not control. In the first case, we must be able to psych ourselves up to avoid falling into false multitasking. It has been proven that the brain is only capable of optimally performing one task at a time,…
  «Do not trust those who have already found the truth. Trust only those who continue to search for it. André Kostolany A few months ago we saw someone paying with their phone in a large shopping center for the first time. Not long ago we were amazed when someone paid at a bakery with their Apple Watch. Our relationship with money is no longer the same. Furthermore, the crisis has reinforced the phrase "money is very cowardly", turning investors into an animal that many want to hunt, but cannot. Maybe venture capital is like storage in…
  “The last 10 percent it takes to launch something requires the same energy you used in the first 90 percent.” Rob Kalin. On many occasions you read the phrase: "the business was right, but not the people." In others it is said that "it was not the right time" or the rescue: "the market has not understood the idea." Excuses are also used such as that it has taken too long to launch the product or service. All these explanations are actually the late autopsy of a death that was in many cases announced. So that none of this…
“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” Thomas Jefferson. Doctor Jones said in the magnificent “The Last Crusade” that an X never marks the place of the treasure. Nothing is carved in stone and even the most well-versed expert can make mistakes in their predictions. Entrepreneurship has the aggravating factor that what is useful today may become obsolete in just a few months. Context While the giant ball of your business's sustainability may threaten to crush you, in the Guadalinfo Impulsa Cycle of Discussions you will acquire the necessary training/information to find out which are your best...
    “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” Henry Ford. Many attribute the launch to Apple's stardom in a single element. The most obvious is the iPhone, but the most awake will talk about innovation or marketing. The most "analysts" will think that the key is the reinvention/improvement of existing products. But when his alma mater and founder Steve Jobs left the position of CEO, he passed the baton to Tim Cook, a profile totally opposite to his: a good manager, a terrible innovator, but a wizard in controlling…
No Plan, no matter how good, resists its first contact with the enemy, reality. Helmuth Carla Bernard von Moltke. Collective memory is very peculiar. We all remember great failures and disasters in the history of humanity, such as the Titanic or the Hindenburg, but it would be a little harder for us to think about the successes of the human race. If the Hindenburg crossed the Atlantic Ocean 17 times in 1936, when we were not used to flying, there were also things that were done well, despite the incident. And even if everything was bad, there will always be something to learn from it. Must …
  Time is the most valuable thing a person can spend. Theophrastus Our folklore and popular culture are full of references to time. There are hundreds of sad pop songs that long for lost time and many movies about time travel to change the past. This curious obsession with time is not coincidental, since of the three variables we invest (money, effort and time) it is the one we waste the most and the one we miss the most later. The physical and virtual shelves are filled with hundreds of books and works that claim to have the magic formula for…
  Pivoting on time in business, the path to success. “In the future it is possible that computers will not weigh more than 1.5 tons.” Popular mechanics, mechanics magazine, in 1949 I vividly remember watching with great expectation how one of my uncles' flight, destined for Bilbao, took off from the airport. It was the 80s, but the paradigm shift had occurred much earlier. In the 60s and 70s, flying was expensive and glamorous, but airline companies (and especially aircraft manufacturers) understood that only economies of scale would provide this nascent industry with…
 “I hire the best people to tell me what to do, not to tell them what to do.” Steve Jobs We live in the golden age of series. Even people who never felt very close to the American or Spanish series (with exceptions, such as Friends), for a few years now have been alternating comments and debates about the league with the disagreements between the Starks and the Lannisters, in the last chapter of Game of Thrones. Almost all groups and sectors have a production that represents them: lawyers, police, clerks, IT professionals, etc. The field of innovation, so important in…
  The dream of man as a species has always been to work as little as possible. We have spent millions of years perfecting our technologies to spend more time in a horizontal position or taking in solar radiation. That dream is getting closer. It is not as the pioneers of cinema or science fiction thought with tons of shiny and threatening junk with red pixel eyes, but via social networks and landing pages. Automata in the form of ChatBots invade us without contemplation, making humans more human and therefore more lazy and expendable. If we do a…
It is easier to bill one more 10% with our clients than to achieve one more 10% from other clients. Cross-selling is hidden in practically all stores. We have it so internalized that we see it as something normal, so it is rare to see a consumer in line at some fast food who does not order their hamburger, with a ton of frozen fries, drinks and chicken wings. That's good cross-selling: the customer comes for a product/service and without realizing it we sell them half a catalog and they consider it as something natural and even...