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  Many companies (and the people who make them up) currently feel like the Greek Sisyphus, condemned to try to climb a huge stone to the top of a mountain every day of his life. After each day, Sisyphus's punishment stone rolled back down, with Sisyphus having to repeat the same process over and over again in an absurd and frustrating way. That eternal and impossible climb to the top of the mountain is, as the days and weeks go by, the condemnation of companies and organizations without digital transformation. And now every day is a day of confusion...
  Many people and companies worry about the future, but is it really the best way to face it? At Grupo Mainjobs we think there is a better way: creating it. Thus, when companies in our sector are still paralyzed by adverse circumstances, we have already been benefiting from the advantages of teleworking for a long time, to give an example. Creating the future is having been able to transform each and every one of our clients' face-to-face training activities online in less than 48 hours. We were able to do it thanks to the fact that our staff is full of capable knowmads…
Yes, this may be the typical mileage post where we bore you with long dissertations about what is going to hit hard in the sector for 2019. So, thinking about a light digestion after the excesses of the end of the year, we are going to tell you what our ball of glass sees for each of those involved in the sector: Companies: Gripping by the cold of the January slope, the rush to get training for everything at 100 will begin and in May we will see the first "I told you so" and the needs consultancies to carry out business plans and digitize processes. …
Pixar University is not a study program designed to create successful films or help support ancient theoretical concepts about the sector, but rather a direct creation of one of its top managers to enhance the work of its employees. Remember that this company is dedicated to the production of animated films and shorts such as The Incredibles, Toy Story, etc. and now look at the list of courses, workshops and activities that Pixar University has permanently scheduled: Belly dance level I and II Meditation Advanced clay sculpture Etc. No, I was not wrong, …
The year 2019 will not be energetically different from what 2018 was: progressive increases in the price of gasoline and its derivatives, as well as the electricity bill. This is almost an economic constant, but, beyond the obvious, we must take into consideration that the solutions only involve a sum of social and productive factors. There are no absolute truths if we take the following news as a starting point: we do NOT have enough materials for all the solar panels we need... (Xataka December 14, 2018). That does not mean that photovoltaics is not the…
Banks, what banks? We woke up on the 27th with unusual news: Google's request for a license as a banking entity in Europe, particularly in Lithuania. Let's be honest, if you are under 40 years old, you are surely allergic to going to your “old bank.” Of course there will be these types of entities in the future, but they may be your trusted search engine, your electricity company or any other established brand with a large user or credit card base. The way of understanding money is changing, without…
It's the batteries, idiot... Raise your hand if you haven't come across an electric transportation system in the last 24 hours. While skeptics talk about the drawbacks of these alternatives in urban mobility, different demographic profiles of the population are using battery propulsion as their way of moving on our streets. Skateboards, electric cars and hybrid bicycles are an active reaction to the progressive rise in the cost of combustion engines, not to mention the regulatory changes that are literally removing meters of asphalt from diesel and gasoline. Rivers of digital ink…
Healthy company: technological innovation and people management Thinking like a technologist includes never losing empathy with what technology can or cannot do for people. Therefore, when María Jáimez asked me to write a few paragraphs as Mainfor's R&D director about how we can innovate in people management, it took me little time to list different circumstances where my department is contributing to improving the health of our people. company: Project management: When working under this format, stress and the pursuit of objectives can lead to individual inconveniences and…
At the end of the 90s, e-learning was already a reality in certain educational sectors. What began as primitive mailing lists progressed to the creation of standards such as Moodle, generating a revolution that changed the educational opportunities of millions of people around the world. Later, with the arrival of the Post-PC era, we went crazy eliminating the flash modules and making all the courses responsive so that students could see and train from the palm of their hand. After almost three decades of e-learning, the majority of people...
Let's give some foreign examples so as not to disturb those present or traditional Twitter sensibilities: Space X manages to launch the rocket with the greatest capacity since Apollo with an R&D investment of 800 million dollars. Meanwhile, NASA already has a date (end of 2023) for the launch of its rocket, but it has burned more than 12 billion taxpayer dollars. Apple, one of the companies with the highest stock market value and which has practically unlimited resources, has delayed six of the 10 products it was planning to offer in 2017 and its different software solutions accumulate bugs, …
I didn't see my colleagues die with their faces in the mud... Walter Sobchak – The Big Lebowski Why we need a Cinema Productivity: There are plenty of low-level charlatans and sellers of masterful solutions in the business productivity sector. They are recognizable because their courses come with names/acronyms in English that seem to be taken from NASA laboratories themselves. And yes, like the famous American space agency, they are a waste of money and time. With prices of up to four figures, they take out the rooms for desperate businessmen, managers and technicians who in…
Much has already been said about Neuromarketing as a set of techniques to sell more, but in this article we are going to give it a different approach, as we always like to do. You already know us, we don't like to stay on the surface, but rather dive as far as it takes to find the essence of each topic and offer you only what will truly help you, protecting you from the dangers of the depths of the ocean. After rolling up our sleeves and diving for you to the deepest abyssal pits, we have found some very interesting keys in Neuromarketing. Let's see what they are: The people who buy...