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Visual Thinking: Is the letter dead? Visual Thinking consists of expressing ideas, concepts, feelings or thoughts with images or visual resources of any type, whether drawings, photographs, infographics, etc. From using a different font for the most important things in high school notes, to using Mind Maps to plan complicated projects. The headline “Visual Thinking: Is Print Dead?” It is, of course, an exaggeration, but we cannot ignore the need to update our ways of communicating and transmitting information. It is not necessary to know how to draw well. We do not need to be artists, but rather know how to reflect in a…
Many people when they hear about innovation think of sophisticated ICT tools or convoluted mechanisms that consume the energy and patience of those involved. We can't blame them, they are more than used to it being that way. But innovative tools can be used for teaching without dying in the attempt. While it is true that many digital tools lack sufficient empathy to adapt to the different groups that use them, it just takes a little common sense to make their use a success. Sometimes technology does not adapt to the students and, of course,...
Many people think that there is a great distance between culture and advertising when in reality both are closer than it seems and, furthermore, have been since the beginning of time. Culture has used advertising as a form of propagation and as a way to sustain its activity. But the road is two-way and the artistic work of human beings as a whole forges society in the long term. That is why the cultural meme is the basis of viral marketing. The ten steps to do viral marketing must take into consideration…
Since we are little we are constantly learning and as we advance in our studies or goals, we develop and acquire new knowledge, which makes us increasingly autonomous and able to achieve what we want. That is what is called PLE (Personal Learning Environment), which allows us to direct our learning by connecting information from different sources, what we see, what we discover..., etc., let's say it is informal learning. But what is a PLE? If we take this to elearning training, we can understand that a PLE could be formed through a campus...
Transparency and message In our coffee breaks we talk about the weather, the progress of our favorite soccer teams (Atletttti, ahem) and a thousand other things, among them what we like to call the Top of most requested courses, also in each minute In our commercial coordination meetings we reflect the progress of our different products and services. It is a permanent methodology focused on offering the best, avoiding obsolescence and understanding in real time what the reality of our clients is. That is why we have always prepared internally a Top of the most requested courses, a list...
The faith of camaraderie The conception of work evolves according to the paradigms or trends set by factors such as society or the market. In reference to this, new models and ways of understanding the way of working in organizations have emerged that have almost entirely replaced other more outdated ones. And yes, of course, this new system of conceiving the way of working is none other than teamwork. But the question of how to work as a team? , is not easy to answer. Some organizations are more concerned with profits and…
Pinterest, the teaching tool you need Education and/or study/learning can be the most beautiful of dedications, but it can also be very thankless. Both teachers and students tend to be victims of demotivation, discouragement and boredom. Students and teachers often complain of a feeling of emptiness that complicates their work. Whatever the reasons for the dissatisfaction felt by participants in training actions, it can be eliminated from the roots if the appropriate tools are introduced. In my opinion, Pinterest is the best teaching resource we have at our disposal. I imagine that…
As we said in the previous post, Guerrilla Marketing involves a minimal investment of money, but achieves great results. Levinson asserted that what is important is not the money invested, but the time, energy, imagination and information. The essential thing is to surprise the public, whether through the message, the channel or support or the interaction with the campaign target. Guerrilla Marketing, the epic achievement against Goliath Today, marketing seeks to make a brand memorable and stand out, elevating it above the ambient noise. The combination of a 1.0 campaign with…
To start, we must unlearn everything we knew about marketing. What worked with the parents and grandparents of Millennials (generation Y) is totally and absolutely obsolete. The advertising formats that were and are appropriate to connect with previous generations and encourage them to buy are invisible to Millennials: they consume little television or radio (they prefer downloads or streaming), newspapers are not their thing (much less if they are printed) and do not support commercial telephone calls. An appropriate global strategy for Millennials will be based on three main points: Content: Given that they are skilled in…
Guerrilla Marketing In these times, frugality is appreciated, but we cannot sacrifice our company's marketing for the sake of much-needed savings. What to do then? Throw yourself into the arms of Guerrilla Marketing. In this type of campaign, the ingenuity factor makes up for the lack of budget and radically minimizes the necessary investment. Guerrilla Marketing is innovation at the service of sales. But what does it consist of? Guerrilla Marketing is based on the coding of the message with a different touch, partially blending it with its environment, but in a way that powerfully appeals...
Gamification: Breaking the fourth wall with prosumers Gamification is the use of game dynamics and tools in non-gaming environments and applications to achieve more participation and involvement of the prosumer user. With Gamification or Gamification, products, services, applications or training actions are made more fun, attractive and motivating and, above all, the long-awaited customer and/or user loyalty is achieved. Clear examples of the success of this practice are Waze, Duolingo or the NIKE+ community. But how does a simple 'game' achieve loyalty?: Generating that spontaneous pleasure that we all feel when winning or...
Marketing that empowers women: Femvertising. A little common sense and/or sensitivity is enough. Doing Femvertising is easy. Femvertising is a new advertising concept that empowers women and represents them in a positive way, not only fighting against the gender stereotypes that they reject, but encouraging them to be what they want to be, opening a world of possibilities to all generations. that until now were not contemplated. Public and private institutions, media, companies and brands of all kinds must be demanding and careful with the content they generate, with the campaigns...