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  The dream of man as a species has always been to work as little as possible. We have spent millions of years perfecting our technologies to spend more time in a horizontal position or taking in solar radiation. That dream is getting closer. It is not as the pioneers of cinema or science fiction thought with tons of shiny and threatening junk with red pixel eyes, but via social networks and landing pages. Automata in the form of ChatBots invade us without contemplation, making humans more human and therefore more lazy and expendable. If we do a…
It is easier to bill one more 10% with our clients than to achieve one more 10% from other clients. Cross-selling is hidden in practically all stores. We have it so internalized that we see it as something normal, so it is rare to see a consumer in line at some fast food who does not order their hamburger, with a ton of frozen fries, drinks and chicken wings. That's good cross-selling: the customer comes for a product/service and without realizing it we sell them half a catalog and they consider it as something natural and even...
  Everyone knows NASA and its achievements, but if you have closely followed its trajectory, no matter how much aura of respect and admiration you feel, you will know that this organization has been in complete decline for decades. A tragic anecdote from the brilliant Jimmy Figueroa explains that the agency's engineers, along with those from Boing (don't get me started on their numerous blunders) determined that a small hole in the hull of the shuttle Columbia was not that serious. Days later, the pieces of the ship and its crew truffled the fields of Arkansas. The brilliant guru Figueroa…
Visual Thinking for beginners, Clip Art In the past, it was very common for us to play with “cutouts” as children. Some were even manipulated with just the hands without the need for scissors or adhesives, so that, for example, a paper doll could be changed into a dress or clothing with just a few small paper flaps. This very creative game was diverse in applications and functionalities and you could even “assemble” complex constructions. Having predefined elements, but which can be combined to generate different stories, allows the “author” to create an entire storytelling and stage an inversive context. The clips…
  Gamification in the Company (II), Marketing, Communication and Dissemination Establishing a Gamification process applied to marketing blurs the usual master lines of separation between company and prosumers. This effect of breaking the fourth wall is very beneficial from an economic point of view, but it represents a very strong change in corporate mentality and requires solid involvement of the participants and members of the company in the start-up, maintenance of flow, regulation of disputes, introduction of improvements, updating of standards, etc. But the effort invested is worth it. A corporate social network that generates…
NEW METHODOLOGIES IN 21ST CENTURY TRAINING Now that it seems that society has assumed that training is essential to respond to the demands that are required of us every day in the world of work, sometimes, the courses that you are used to taking They do not offer sufficient quality nor do they present incentives for you to continue doing them, in other words, their methodology does not motivate you to continue with them. The role of students has changed: they are no longer passive subjects, mere recipients of information and/or endless paragraphs of text, they are prosumers of the new digital age in...
Another blog? No, this is something else. The Mainjobs Blog is the group's young commitment to offering an attractive, innovative and different solution on trends in marketing, ICTs and digital educational environments. It is a meeting place for various authors from the sector to achieve entertaining and empirical content and collect the different points of view of the interdisciplinary team that is part of the different productive areas of the group.
Communication in times of crisis: The left hand of God. The great Maradona showed that having a left hand is fundamental in life and that winning has a moral price. The other side is seeing how a troll or hater ruins years of pampering a product/service. Therefore, communication in times of crisis not only avoids business headaches, but even prevents "migraines" before they occur. Example of bad practices: Samsung and its major mistakes. Without a doubt, one of the digital soap operas of last year 2016 was...
The seriousness inherent in business means that, apparently, they are separated from games by a total abyss, but if we consider, for example, professional careers or competency management for HR, we will understand that gamification in the company is increasingly most necessary. Of course, it represents one of the many challenges faced by Latin business culture, which is very locked in certain archaisms. We have to understand that Gamification in the company can be our ally. And, furthermore, it can be in many ways. Gamification can be the way to fight obsolescence in processes…
Technological progress in today's society is a constant, and the effects that these innovations bring have been felt in all areas of life. Therefore, the learning of subjects in the ICT society tries to be in line with the progress that we have commented previously. Furthermore, in the field of training, the tools are increasingly sophisticated and technical, with the aim of responding to these changes. What is considered “the next great technological leap” has arrived and has a name and surname: Virtual Reality. This new type of technology is called to modify…
Social networks are a battlefield, a kind of perpetual war only designed for those most capable at an organizational, mental and economic level to succeed in 2.0. Digital Guerrilla: low intensity, but great impact is one path. We must assume that even a victory over the enemy is only partially so. When we let our guard down or show weakness, they will deal us the right blow, losing positioning in search engines and relevance on the platforms of our niche or segment. For the small or medium-sized entrepreneur, the way out is low-intensity war or directly digital guerrilla warfare...
  To tame creativity, many “rules” have been proposed, but one of the most successful and that can be applied to marketing (although it comes from the management consulting sector) is think outside the box, this motto means thinking outside the box. different, unconventional or from a new perspective or paradigm. It means taking a step forward and not staying with the first solution that logical thinking offers us, which is what usually reigns in business. You always have to try to go further to reorient the strategic lines of marketing, using as a support point...