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hello@groupmainjobs.com 900 812 816

We love challenges and enjoy working. We're optimistic, committed, digital, international and demanding.

We offer the best thing we have: our team


The world is changing and for the first time in history there are 3 qualified generations working at the same time.

MainJobs real and versatile designs products which connect to the reality of different SMEs and big companies' productive areas, helping not only people who are looking for their first job to get professional experience, but also highly-experienced personnel with the adaptation to new needs.

Furthermore, we look for real motivation, because we know what people need. That's the way we work. Notice that only a suitable encouragement allows us/you to reach the main
objective: excellence.

Our team is made up of experts in all areas (pedagogy, biology, law, administration, mathematics, economy, IT, design, etc.), and projects and innovation “lovers”. They all have something in common: they give their best 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


Our clients


The proximity, personalized attention and dedication of our different training schools offer education and B2B qualification services of high quality, developing a learning process which really improves our clients' living standards and employability.


MainJobs creates and manages tailor-made training concepts for all kinds of purposes and contexts (business, institutional or labor, workshops, courses, seminars, masters or coaching processes) both in presence-based or distance modality via our different virtual campus.

Even after a thousand of years, we will keep on working with small dynamic and proactive teams, quick and efficient working teams, groups of professionals who face challenges in a reliable way, combining the experience, know-how, motivation, innovation and prudence of those who want to grow everyday as individuals and as companies.

The secret of our efficiency and success is: the synergy of a team which joins experience and enthusiasm.