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Qualitative and strategic analysis of the Company

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This course analyzes what companies are like, how they are organized, the fundamental concepts of management, the analysis of concentration and dependency, the assessment of production and technology, power, contractual, legal, fiscal and political functions. .
Likewise, the different "Portfolio Techniques" for the competitive analysis of companies are delved into, what they consist of, how they are used and what type of information the so-called "Market Attractiveness/Competitive Position Matrix" provides.

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Know those aspects that must be considered in the analysis of the company's ownership.
Understand what we mean, within the qualitative aspects of the company, by the name "functional aspects."
Know what the functional analysis of a company consists of and what the objectives are to be covered by carrying it out, both from the perspective of the market in which the company analyzed must compete, and the organization they must serve.
Know what the organizational function in the company consists of, and what data about it should be known and valued
Know what are the basic aspects that must be analyzed in the financial function of a company, what this function consists of and what qualitative assessment system can be used.
Know the relationship between the financial function and the other functional areas of the company.
Understand how the analysis should be deepened in the event of an increase in short-term financial expenses.
Understand how the analysis should be deepened when detecting such a decrease in the working capital that it becomes insufficient.
Know what are the basic aspects that must be analyzed in the management function of a company, what this function consists of and what qualitative assessment system can be used.
Know what are the basic aspects that must be assessed regarding the skills and competencies of a manager, and what qualitative assessment system can be used.
Know the relationship between the management function and the other functional areas of the company.
Know the relationship between the functions of the company and business profit.

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Unit 1: Strategic Management
Unit 2: Introduction to Qualitative Analysis
Unit 3: Analysis of the general qualitative aspects of the company
Unit 4: Analysis of Dependencies
Unit 5: Introduction to Functional Analysis: Organization Function
Unit 6: Functional Analysis: Commercial Function
Unit 7: Functional Analysis: Purchasing Function
Unit 8: Functional Analysis: Production Function
Unit 9: Functional Analysis: HR Function
Unit 10: Functional Analysis: Financial Function
Unit 11: Functional Analysis: Management Function
Unit 12: Strategic Analysis: Product Analysis
Unit 13: Strategic Analysis: Analysis of Business Units
Unit 14: Strategic Analysis: Competitive Analysis of the Company I
Unit 15: Strategic Analysis: Competitive Analysis of the Company II

Understand what we mean by the term “qualitative aspects” of a company.
Know what objectives to cover by carrying out qualitative analysis, in the study of risk operations with companies.
Know and be able to correctly apply the analysis of the SWOT matrix to the qualitative aspects of a company.
Know those aspects that must be considered in the analysis of the company's recent trajectory.
Know those aspects that must be considered in the analysis of the managers and other human resources of the company.
Know those aspects that must be considered in the analysis of the company's productive infrastructure.
Know those aspects that must be considered in the analysis of the company's products.
Know those aspects that must be considered in the analysis of the market and the commercial action of the company.

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