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Imagen de marca y cultura corporativa juntos para retroalimentarse

Brand image and corporate culture

Brand image and corporate culture

The seal that is inside your corporate interior.

Some so-called "experts" think that these two elements are separate, but A good brand image generates a healthy corporate culture and vice versa. Our experience in dealing with almost 800 clients (1st quarter of 2019) of all types and sizes makes us understand that they are two sides of the same coin.


The daily wear and tear, staff rotations and economic adjustments are eroding both internal values and corporate identity signs, but fine-tuning or redefining them it is possible with a scalable and modular process.

Did you know...?

Entities that have not partially renewed their image in the last five years may suffer losses of up to 15% market share.


What we offer?

  • Redefinition of vision, mission and corporate values.
  • Comprehensive corporate design (logos, websites, claims, slogans, etc.).
  • Internal learning.
  • Interdepartmental coordination.
If you have any doubts...