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Los SPOC son la versión más compacta y menos multitudinaria que los MOOC

SPOC, compact size MOOCs

SPOC, compact size MOOCs

The small matters to us too.

MOOC, SPOC,… let's recap; One day we were small, now that we have grown we do not forget that there are a large number of casuistics, that SMEs, the self-employed or the young person looking for employment also exist, which is why when faced with star products such as Mooc either training plans for large companiesWe loved the concept of SPOC (Small Private Online Course) distance or blended methodology training courses participatory and collaborative but oriented to small groups of students with a well-defined profile.


A regulatory change requires plumbers to have a professional license, an analytical accounting course that improves the employability of business students... and different realities that Thanks to technology and our versatility we can answer/help.


SPOC, the reality of abandonment

After the initial fever of MOOCs, the reality is that the combination of being a massive format, the numbers of many courses are in four digits, in the face of the lack of universal support for degrees, has led the founders of the movement to iterate the MOOCs in SPOCs, which by having a more compact work space make both those responsible and the participants feel belonging to a tangible community. It is again in the university environments where the starting signal is given to fight against the biggest scourge of MOOCs, which is none other than the high dropout rate of enrolled students.


With a maximum of 30 participants but with many continuous calls, it is ensured live content, with traditional LMS platforms that allow real tracking and therefore obtaining a more regulated degree, which translates into more proactivity and fewer "defections".

Without being incompatible with MOOCs, they allow new "flavors" of training for all tastes but above all to cover different needs and casuistries.

Did you know...?

The concept of SPOC is so novel that while others are watching we have created the entry on Wikipedia, right here.

What we offer?

  • Training micropills.
  • Strategic personal training plan PLE.
  • Collective training agreements for groups.
If you have any doubts...