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On May 12, 2016, the board of trustees of the State Foundation for Employment Training reached a consensus for the preparation of the proposed call for the training of employed workers. It has been quite a challenge for the to be the first under the umbrella of the broad regulatory change that Law 30/2015 represented. Focused on promoting the individual qualification of workers to help improve their employability but also the global competitiveness of companies, it includes notable elements such as: The participation of up to a 30%…
We have lived immersed in the golden age of e-learning. We have had time to experience several evolutions and reinventions of digital training. But it's just now that things get interesting. The maturation of the post-PC era, together with the advent of several truly disruptive technologies, opens the door to the incorporation of hitherto forgotten sectors of the population and the use of methodologies far removed from education. Until now, teaching 2.0 has been in charge of a very specific segment of society. A group made up of young people, but with a minimum age,…
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