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Convert information into useful corporate knowledge, to achieve efficiency in business policies and practices.

Human resources audit

The Human Resources Audit can be understood as a objective and independent procedure, observation and analysis, which is based on a methodology, and uses techniques, which allow identify both the strengths, problems and limitations of the HR function in organizations. This entails concluding with the issuance of a report of improvement, with suggestions and certain proposals for action.


The ultimate purpose of a Human Resources Audit study is to convert the useful corporate knowledge information, to achieve the efficiency of business policies and practices, offering a practical application for the company.


Did you know...?

The areas of the human resources function that are audited are:

  1. Organizational structure (Company Organization Chart, Departmental Structure,…).
  2. Internal communication.
  3. Analysis and Relationship Of jobs.
  4. Planning From Human Resources.
  5. Staffing.
  6. Salary Remuneration.
  7. Performance evaluation.
  8. Formation and development.
  9. Planning and Management of the Professional Career.
  10. Quality of life in Work and Productivity.

What we offer?

  • Encourage uniformity of personnel policies and practices, especially in decentralized companies.
  • Develop a data management process.(Big Data)
  • Establish a Balanced Scorecard.
  • Detect critical personnel problems.
  • Reduce HR costs.
  • Stimulate greater responsibility and professionalism between different areas.
  • Improve the professional image of the Company.

Depending on the size of the company:

• Between 1 – 20: €900
• Between 21 – 50: €1,200
• Between 50 – 100: €1,700
• More than 250: customize

If you have any doubts...