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Contribution to the development of content on Digital Transformation of Navy teaching

Contribution to the development of content on Digital Transformation of Navy teaching

At Grupo Mainjobs we are pleased to announce our project collaboration with the Ministry of Defense for the development of training content on Digital Transformation of teaching, intended for the training of Navy teachers.

The Digital Transformation has been penetrating the Public Administration for years, helping to update its work models and revolutionizing the way in which it interacts with citizens (electronic processing, telematic requests, streamlining its internal processes...). Some Administrations, such as in this case the Navy, have decided go one step further and also apply Digital Transformation to other types of processes, such as the formation. The traditional methodology responds less and less to the new training needs of public personnel, so implementing a effective digital transformation project to put the New Technologies at the service of public training It is a need that cannot continue to be ignored.

This exciting and ambitious challenge involves facing a change in the traditional teaching of the Navy, using new technologies to improve internal training processes of the organism and virtualizing all your training content, so that update and adapt to the digital age. Interactive resources, audiovisual material, practical evaluation... these are just some of the elements that will star in the new Navy training programs thanks to the work of Grupo Mainjobs.

This challenge will be carried out through a set of didactic units of high audiovisual content that will be developed by the best and most qualified technical team. The duration of the service will be extended until December 20 and will allow renew skills of a large number of education professionals.

Digital transformation of the Navy

Communication Mainjobs