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Think Outside Box It's not just a way of thinking, it's a way of working

Think Outside Box: Lateral Thinking I

Think Outside Box: Lateral Thinking I

To tame creativity, many “rules” have been proposed, but one of the most successful and that can be applied to marketing (although it comes from the management consulting sector) is that of think outside the box , this motto means thinking differently, unconventionally or from a new perspective or paradigm. It means taking a step forward and not staying with the first solution that logical thinking offers us, which is what usually reigns in business.
You must always try to go further to reorient the strategic lines of marketing, using the innovation and creativity.

The checklist of the think outside box

First, those involved must be mentally prepared gradually and gradually, since this change in mentality cannot be carried out overnight. Of course, being creative with our marketing is complex, but it can be systematized with a checklist that shows how to devise a truly groundbreaking campaign. The steps would be:

  • Eliminate thoughts like “everything that can be invented has already been invented”. We must move away from conventions or we will only get negative thoughts or not know how to recognize the quality of an idea or invest time in rethinking solutions.
  •  Have the attitude and the desire to do things differently.
  •  Listen to others. We can work alone, but we are part of different communities, such as family, friends, fans of different things, etc. that are foci of alternative ways of thinking.

We must actively listen to them because their way of thinking can contribute a lot to us. With this we would be overcoming what Chip Heath and Dan Heath call in their book, Ideas that stick, the 'curse of knowledge', a concept that, although it may be contradictory, is one of the great truths about human discernment. It consists of the fact that knowing a lot about a subject can lead us to lock ourselves in a glass bubble that can only be broken with the critical thinking of others. That is why it is interesting to encourage “your people” to share their opinions and it is even interesting to encourage them to propose ideas. Not a single great idea has come from a single person.
 Specify and develop one. Creative thinking can be excessively expansive, which is why it is important to stop and focus on a concept and carry out, if possible, a partial development to check how it works. In addition, we will be testing ourselves against the challenge of working with new ideas.

  •  Knowledge. Training in something new, both in a direct subject linked to our activity to specialize in and in other disciplines, will not only provide us with new practical knowledge, but will also train our brain for new challenges, providing us with new tools for critical thinking.
  •  Travel, networking and RRSS. Absorbing information from other cultures and corporate traditions or from other geographical locations generates total open-mindedness. Knowing how others do it has always been positive for those involved if we look at the history of great business successes. Asking, living, understanding, speaking in other languages (and we are not just referring to other languages)... gives us a new vision. If we cannot travel, conferences, events (generic or in our sector) or being active in the social networks of our productive area allow us to “open the window and air our heads.”
  •  Change your routines and habits. Decide to start the day differently, to go different routes, even to try other colors in your clothing. It has been proven that the most creative state is the one that generates subroutines or semi-iterations, that is, it mixes the confidence of everyday life with small decision-making to do and operate in a different way.
  •  Be proactive. We live in the knowledge society. It is necessary to fully immerse yourself in it and experience the advantages of being able to consult anything. Install the free Wikipedia app on your mobile device and search for at least a couple of new concepts, words, or events a day. Not only will your general culture increase, but also your vision of things.


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