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Ten steps to make viral marketing easy and simple

The ten steps to do Viral Marketing

The ten steps to do Viral Marketing

Many people think that there is a great distance between culture and advertising when in reality both are closer than it seems and, furthermore, have been since the beginning of time.
Culture has used advertising as a form of spread and as a means of sustaining its activity. But the road is two-way and the artistic work of human beings as a whole forges society in the long term. Thats why he meme Cultural is the basis of viral marketing. The ten steps to do viral marketing must take into consideration the reality that we are part of a cultural and educational heritage that weighs us down and conditions our decisions.

The ten steps to do viral marketing: The recipe for success

Drinking from the customs of the target is essential. Humans, like the nexus replicants (humanoid-looking robots from the magnificent movie blade runner), we need a framework around which to create our personality and, above all, our ego. For example, we end up choosing forks in the road based on the brain lottery that is generated by our training, our environment, and what we believe to be our personality. Therefore, if our product or service can be associated with basic needs to be "a useful man/woman", we will have more than 70 % of the way we have traveled.

The virality checklist

Viral marketing must always include these steps if you want to achieve relevance:

  1. Simple: With an audience with attention deficit we cannot expect an effort to understand our message.
  2. Mutable: The best campaigns started in one way and were the prosumers those who provided the extra, that “flavor” of added value that made them stand out.
  3. Transferable: We live in a transmedia environment where people use Twitter to comment on series and television programs with fan pages, so our campaign must be multiplatform.
  4. Involve feelings: Humor, kittens, funny babies, nostalgia and any approach that involves moving away from the coldness that digital offers in many cases.
  5. Subliminal message: Viral marketing is one that hides its sales message behind the meme to act in the "background" in the user's brain.
  6. Values imperdurable: We want the wave to bounce off the “cave walls” permanently. If we ride today's "wave", it will die on the shore next Friday night and we will be forgotten.
  7. Carriers and target: We must think that our audience has two typologies, those who are simply a carrier vehicle and our final innocent 'victims'.
  8. Values: Loyalty, tradition, rebellion against the system… as Groucho said, “these are my principles. If you do not like, I have others."
  9. Cool: It may be the support, it may be the language, but a few "dewdrops" of those that bring smiles of complicity from the reader/viewer/future patient, are what enriches the broth.
  10. Gossip and onanism: Let's think that 65% of the conversations we have have as protagonists gossip or ourselves. Design your campaign empathizing with this reality.

If you want to know more about viral marketing to reach a larger audience, fill out the FORM and we will send you a White Paper with more information.

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