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A story to educate them all, Storytelling

Can you tell me a story? : Storytelling.

Can you tell me a story? : Storytelling.

Storytelling the art of telling a story using sensory language.

Everyone since we are little has heard stories, whether in the form of children's stories, fables, anecdotes..., of which we have a memory or we have learned from them, it is the art of storytelling.
In this way, there are stories that no matter how much time passes, we continue to remember them. Why is this? Because, directly or indirectly, these stories caused us learning and awakened some feeling that we still remember today. .


If we transfer this example to education, specifically to elearning training, no matter how strange it may sound, it makes sense. Learning through stories is possible and is called Storytelling.
He Storytelling It is the art of telling a story using sensory language presented in a way that conveys to listeners the ability to internalize, understand, and create personal meaning from it.
This concept encompasses much more than telling a story, and of course it is not only aimed at children, but at all people regardless of their age. In this way, through this concept we can make use of fables, anecdotes, stories..., to transmit a series of knowledge in a more fun and attractive way, capturing the student's attention at all times.
What will we have to take into account when using this concept?
The first thing is to be clear about what the story is about, how it develops and what it tells us. Once we have this clear, we will have to take into account a series of keys such as the protagonist, the conflict and its importance, credibility, deception, etc.
Below we leave you some examples How you can implement this technique in your course, among them we can use a comic, social networks, interactive timeline, videos..., although these are just some of the resources that we can use.
Finally, we have to take into account certain keys that will help us get the most out of this technique within online courses.

  • The first thing is that the story “hooks” the student, who in the end is the one who will be the protagonist of the learning.
  • Make it attractive, look for something that is relevant and attracts attention.
  • That it serves as learning, this is very important because it is the purpose of Storytelling. To do this, focus on what students need to know, how they can do it and how, through this technique, we can help them make that learning happen.

After all this information that we have made available to you about this technique, Do you dare to implement this technique in your courses?
