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Public policy evaluation

Real-time temperature of corporate programs and their objective impact.

The management of public funds must be carried out based on the principles of economy, effectiveness and efficiency. For this reason, it is so important to design adequate planning, as well as to subject all actions carried out within the framework of the activity of public administrations to a rigorous, external and objective examination.


The evaluation of public policies allows:


• Visibility and transparency in public interventions.
• Obtaining reliable data on the results derived from the implementation of public plans, programs or projects.
• Compliance with the legal requirement of evaluation of certain actions financed with state or community public funds and verification of the conformity of the execution processes with the application standards and criteria.
• Measurement of the medium-term impact of public policies.


Did you know...?

Budgetary adjustments at national level convert European funds, whose justification requirements have been tightened in recent years, essential for economic viability.

What we offer?

  • Design of measurement systems based on the specifications of each European or supramunicipal tender.
  • Network of measurable indicators with display on a web panel (Data warehouse).
  • Real-time update of the impact on citizens.
  • Early warning system for incidents.
  • Quarterly reports.
If you have any doubts...