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Institutional communication and transparency

Visibility of public processes in the search for trust in institutions.

The current legal framework of transparency establishes a new model of relationship with citizens, which requires more power in the control of everything public.


Public administrations must make an effort to regain the trust of citizens who demand more information and clarity about what is done with public money.


Our communication and transparency consulting services allow public organizations to respond to these demands from different communication channels with the citizen.


The final result will result in:


• Compliance with legal regulations regarding transparency.
• Promotion and optimization of communication channels with citizens.
• Increased trust in public institutions and improved image of the institution.
• Increase in general citizen satisfaction.


Did you know...?

There is a direct correlation between the image that citizens have of an entity and their willingness to pay taxes or fees.

What we offer?

  • Situational analysis, with surveys and electoral maps.
  • Institutional communication plan.
  • Creation of two-way channels based on social networks with citizens.
  • Creation of KPIS on decision-making processes, accounting management, personnel hiring and public bidding.
If you have any doubts...