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Support in design and project management

Savings of time, money and resources in the execution of plans.

With intelligent project management based on ICT, with non-invasive instruments that do not generate bureaucracy, the general interest is guaranteed while achieving higher levels of effectiveness and efficiency.


Our support service provides Public Administrations with the necessary tools to establish a program in phases:


  • Drafting of tenders/plans of all types (technological, environmental, smartcity, collaborative economy, etc.) of different magnitude (provincial, regional, state, European and international).
  • Initial design of action methodologies, budget, development indicators, etc.
  • Media planning for correct execution.
  • Support in the direction and management of actions.
  • Technical and economic justification.
  • Evaluation of the final results.
  • Communication of evolution and results.

With this service and its implementation it is achieved:


  • Design of products and services that respond to specific needs of citizens.
  • Development guarantee in terms of time, cost and quality.
  • Sustainability of services and investment effort.
  • Raising more funds for the municipality.
  • Increase in opportunities to undertake and retain local talent.


Did you know...?

In the actual Common Strategic Framework (MEC) 1,500 million euros will be allocated for the period 2014-2020 to the Singular Low Carbon Economy Projects and the sustainable and integrated urban development strategy, both of which need to look for partners and partners with experience in ICT and energy saving plans.

What we offer?

  • Project presentation.
  • Design of fundraising plans from different administrations by strategic areas (ICT, energy savings, talent retention, etc.).
  • Management software.
  • Analysis by national-class consultants.
  • Methodology Kanban.
If you have any doubts...