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Marketing and Electronic Commerce



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Product Description

Professionals interested in expanding and improving their knowledge of marketing and electronic commerce as part of their professional career development.

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Learning about marketing, definition, the media it uses and its different applications for any type of company.
It describes electronic commerce in all its facets, from the most basic to the most complex, revealing the different modalities that we can find and what technology is used to carry them out. During the course, fictitious companies are shown that explain how to carry out a study of a business when introducing it to the extensive field of the Internet, how to set objectives; marketing; Logistics; distribution; payment and security measures, without leaving aside the legislative framework that surrounds the Internet.

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Module I. Electronic commerce

– Electronic commerce
It defines electronic commerce in all its facets; describing the modalities that exist and the technology that makes it possible. It shows how to carry out an entire business project on the Internet, studying its advantages and disadvantages and other concepts such as: marketing; Logistics; distribution; payment and security measures, without leaving aside the legislative framework that surrounds the Internet.

– Introduction to electronic commerce
It shows all the concepts related to electronic commerce, differentiating e-business and e-commerce. It shows us through examples the different types of electronic commerce that exist and the different modalities, making us aware of all the advantages and disadvantages that we can find when expanding a business through the Internet.

– E-commerce technology
It defines what the Internet is, its beginnings and how it has become such a widely used means of communication for everything related to business. It shows all the necessary technology that makes up the Internet and how it works from the user's point of view.

– Changes in business management
Describes the business types that exist on the Internet and what is the source of income for each type. This unit shows an example of how a company enters the field of electronic commerce, revealing what steps must be followed to carry it out.

– E-commerce between companies (B2B)
It explains one of the most important forms of electronic commerce there is, trade between two companies. Informing what a marketplace is, the types that exist and their benefits.

– Electronic commerce to the final consumer (B2C)
It tries to inform about one of the modalities of electronic commerce, the one that exists with the final consumer. It shows us with examples the entire purchasing process and the advantages and disadvantages of this type of commerce.

– Internet Marketing
It describes all the existing advertising techniques to publicize a business on the Internet, such as focusing on customers to obtain all the information we want.

– Payment and security measures
It informs us about all the different types of payments that we can find on the Internet, classifies them into which are the safest and explains the protocols that are used to carry out any transaction correctly.

- Logistics and distribution
What does the logistics of a company do? What types of distribution can we find depending on the material and what logistics operators can we find.

- Legal aspects
It deals with the entire legislative framework that we can find regarding electronic commerce and the Internet. Report crimes that can be found on the Internet.

– Future of Electronic Commerce
Explains how business on the Internet has evolved, and how the future plan is shown, what businesses are going to bet on in the future. The impact of electronic commerce on different sectors of the economy.

- Practical cases
Through real life examples, it shows us how, from a small business, we can create a big one thanks to electronic commerce and a good study of the business.

Module II. Marketing
Learning about marketing, definition, the media it uses and its different applications for any type of company.

– Marketing
Learning about marketing, the media it uses and its different applications.

– Introduction to Marketing
In this first lesson we are presented with the basic principles of marketing, the identification of a desire or need, in the fields of application and its scope.

– Marketing management
In this lesson we learn everything about commercial management, a process by which the company, taking into account the new and variable needs of the market, adapts to them by reorienting its product portfolio.

– Information systems and marketing research
Study of the SIM and its subsystems, collection of valuable information for the proper functioning of a marketing campaign. We will also learn about the market research process and the different tools it uses.

- The market
Definition of market and its different types, microenvironment and macroenvironment.

– Segmentation and positioning
In this lesson we learn the importance of market segmentation in marketing work.

– Consumer behavior
In this lesson we will learn about the behavior of different types of consumers towards the product or service.

- The product
Knowledge of the product, physical and compositional characters and value attributes.

- The price
Concept of price in marketing, selection of objectives, demand estimation, cost estimation, etc.

- The distribution
In this lesson we will learn the definition of distribution and its importance in a good marketing campaign.

- Advertising
Definition of advertising, characteristics and the different ways of informing or persuading the consumer of the characteristics of the product or service.

– Public relations
Definition of public relations, characteristics and applications within the marketing campaign.

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