<b>InfacturaPlus distance learning course with official certification issued by Sage</b>, the publishing company of the most used business management application among SMEs.
<b>Develop</b> all the benefits and services offered by the program to be able to take responsibility for the commercial management of a company and <b>credit</b> that you know how to apply your knowledge professionally through the SAGE application <b>InvoicePlus</b>.
I don't con you<b>forms</b> with anyone, we are <b>official Sage accredited training center</b>.
1- Browse the application.
2- Global: add companies.
3- System: general tables, clients, agents, suppliers, carriers, items, promotions, call control and terminals.
4- Warehouse: orders, delivery notes, invoices, payment management, movement and regularization of warehouses.
5- Factory: production tables, production orders and personnel parts.
6- Billing: budgets, orders, delivery notes, invoices, credits, settlements, collection management and link with ContaPlus.
7- Reports: statistics and reports, Excel reports and graphs.
8- Useful: organization of files, tools, user profiles, system environment, notices and knowledge management.
9- Register and search online.