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The productivity course that excited Steven Spielberg: Film Productivity

The productivity course that excited Steven Spielberg: Film Productivity

I didn't see my colleagues die with their faces in the mud...

Walter Sobchak – The Big Lebowski

Why we need Film Productivity:

Middle-aged charlatans and sellers of masterful solutions in the business productivity sector there are a lot of them. They are recognizable because their courses come with names/acronyms in English that seem to be taken from the very laboratories of the POT. And yes, like the famous American space agency, they are a waste of money and time. With prices of up to four figures, they take out the money for desperate businessmen, managers and technicians who, on a day-to-day basis, cannot afford it.
These "alchemists" have been they don't smell the trench and even, in the case of some famous gurus, they have not left the warm academic/university environment and only know what a company is from the Instagram photos and the CIF of the checks of their scammers.

Let's be clear...

Are scammers because they sell smoke to those looking for an alternative. A cure for an illness that steals their peace of mind and condemns their work soul to suffering from Monday to Friday in perpetual inefficiency. I have 8 years of training businessmen, entrepreneurs and technicians in different companies, a podcast with 6,000 listeners and the geekiness of living obsessed by the loss of time and the perpetual search to help improve. work lifestyle, so why not say it:

These gurus are responsible for people rolling their eyes when you talk to them about time management or productivity.

The productivity of our wonderful allies from outer space: Productivity in the third phase.

Suppose that an extraterrestrial civilization that has been secretly watching us for years in the form of mathematics teachers, soccer players and gossipmongers, etc. decides to give us the definitive solution to be more productive and have time to go down to the park to play with the other children. I can assure you that I don't know if these are skin implants or mental waves, but behind the product box will be the following indications and descriptions:

  • Hyperpersonalized: Generalist solutions have poor results. No matter how much we live in a globalized world, professionals in the same field do not have the same needs. A doctor in his/her practice needs a different productive environment from that of a mobile practice, for example. You need to create a specialization and That is why the gentlemen of the space will give us personalized solutions to each one's work reality. A piece of advice: run like a headless chicken when someone claims that their formula is "sacred and cannot be changed and that works for everyone.
  • Linked to Apps, platforms and/or services: The wise ETs know that we humans have to be given things very chewed up, so, if they teach us how to better manage our digital documentation or manage a list of tasks, they will provide us with an application where we can use those concepts, which Power Point can withstand everything and everyday life is different.
  • Scalable and integrable with teamwork: We are not islands in our work or personal lives. No system is effective if it cannot be coupled or embedded in work teams and collaborative environments. Maintaining one system for our own and another for others is crazy, so FOCUS is great, but it's unrealistic in an office with 20 people reporting to you.

Postscript: Film Productivity is not a product/course for everyone. You have to be a film buff, you must like innovation and within you there must be, without a doubt, a clear interest in changing in a reliable way. If you are one of "Those chosen for glory" and you don't want to live in a "Land as you can", don't hesitate: Call us. You will have a happy The End and we will be able to tell you that little Timmy will be saved and that everything will turn out well.
Film Productivity is recommended for entrepreneurs, SMEs and companies that need to improve their transversal performance, visit its content at our web.
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