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Pixar University is not a study program designed to create successful films or help support ancient theoretical concepts about the sector, but rather a direct creation of one of its top managers to enhance the work of its employees.
Remember that this company is dedicated to the production of animated films and shorts such as The Incredibles, Toy Story, etc. and now look at the list of courses, workshops and activities that Pixar University has permanently scheduled:

  • Belly dance level I and II
  • Meditation
  • Advanced clay sculpture
  • Etc.

No, I was not wrong, they are not my list of good resolutions for the new year, but rather training actions designed to, as it says Edwin Catmull:

  • Expand our vision.
  • Promote continuous learning.
  • Strengthen company cohesion.

The best way to avoid mental and organizational obsolescence is to broaden our vision by touching on new subjects or disciplines that stimulate our most creative self and foster synergy so that the lateral thinking Be the ally of problem solving. Along the same lines, continuous learning transmits the need to understand that we must never stop acquiring knowledge about what we think we know and, above all, explore new lines. Furthermore, “reliving the spirit of when we were “little” and sharing a desk with others rejuvenates us and opens up our social context. (These concepts and others are essential reading: Creativity SA).
You can find this and much more in our way of understanding training in the area of HR and people management. Maria James, director of EIP postgraduate degree in this area, has impregnated each teaching unit with the spirit of transmitting practical tools to perform these skills adequately, but providing an innovative and different spirit. If you are from Madrid, Seville or Granada you can see it live and in person for the first time. Reserve a free place for the event here.

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