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Programming web pages with ASP .NET


Category: .

Product Description

Web page designers who wish to learn programming and database management under a Microsoft environment.

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At the end of the course, the student will be able to develop complete e-commerce applications supported by databases.

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Client Programming Module

– Web page programming
It presents the need to create dynamic web pages, in which the user accesses personalized information and explains the differences between client-side programming, which is executed by the browser; and server-side programming, executed by the web server.

– Introduction to JavaScript
Explains what tools are necessary to write client-side code. It indicates how to include this code in web pages, for which the SCRIPT tag is used. Fundamental programming concepts are also introduced, such as variables, data types or operators.

- Programming Fundamentals
Study control structures and how to define functions in JavaScript.

– Objects in JavaScript
Study how to use JavaScript language objects. Although it is not an object-oriented language, it does have its own objects that the programmer can use.

– The location and history objects
Study the JavaScript location and history objects. introduce the URL concept.

– The document object
Study the Javascript document object, which represents the content of the web page.

– The form object
Study the JavaScript form object that allows access to the information handled in the forms that appear on web pages. Explains how to validate form information with JavaScript before sending it to the web server.

- Other objects
Study the following JavaScript objects: the frames set, the navigator object, and the screen object.

Server Programming Module: ASP .NET

– Internet Information Server
Provides an overview of the Microsoft Internet Information Server web server, which is required to run ASP .NET applications. Details security and configuration features of web applications.

– Introduction to ASP .NET
Explains the sequence of actions that occur when a user requests an ASP .NET page. Describes which two methods we can use when creating pages of this type, mentioning the advantages of using a code behind file. It ends by indicating the component (dll) that executes the ASP .NET pages.

– Web forms
It explains what a web form is and the meaning of server controls, which are the fundamental elements of web applications created with ASP .NET technology. The differences between Web server controls and HTML server controls are highlighted.

– HTML controls
The HTML controls that allow adding visual elements to static pages are studied, that is, they will not be used later in the server code. These elements are presentation or page design elements, such as text or images.

– Server controls
Describes some simple server controls: TextBox and the different types of buttons, such as Button, LinkButton, and ImageButton. It also highlights when a PostBack event occurs, that is, when the page is sent back to the server and the new content of the page is received in the browser after executing the code stored on the server.

– Server controls (II)
Describes Web server controls that you can use when creating a Web application layout, such as CheckBox or CheckBoxList controls. It also explains how to set the tab order and how to lock controls so they are not accidentally changed.

– Server controls (III)
Describes some Web server controls that you can use when creating a Web application layout: the RadioButton, RadiButtonList, and ListBox controls. Special attention is paid to the specific features of list controls.

– Server Controls (IV)
Describes Web server controls that you can use when creating a Web application layout: the ListBox control with multiple selection, the DropDownList control, and the Panel control. This last control is also used to introduce the concept of a container and see how controls can be created at run time.

– Validation controls
Study the following server validation controls: RequiredFieldValidator for required inputs; CompareValidator to compare with a certain value or control; RegularExpressionValidator to compare with a model or pattern. It highlights that, in any case, it is validation on the server, although it can actually be carried out by the browser in the first instance.

– Perform validation
Another type of validation control is studied: the RangeValidator control, which is used to verify that a value is between two imposed limits and the ValidationSummary control is introduced to display error messages. Finally, it is indicated how the validation is actually carried out.

– View State (ViewState)
Studies the concept of view state or ViewState as a method of maintaining information between web page round trips to the web server. It studies the need to maintain a sense of continuity in a web application and how the view state helps this goal. It also indicates the drawbacks of this technique.

– Response and Request objects
Study the intrinsic objects of ASP .NET Response and Request through examples of their use: dynamically creating content, redirecting the user to a different page, obtaining additional information through the QueryString collection, etc.

– Work with cookies
Explains how to use cookies to keep track of what the website visitor does.

– The Session object
Study the Session object, used to maintain personalized information for each of the users who access the website (identified by a session).

– The Session object (II)
Explains two different ways of maintaining session information other than the default, in which the session information is maintained in the web server's memory (InProc method). The two different ways are: use a state server and use a state SQL Server. It also explains how to configure the application to not use cookies to maintain session state.

– The Application object
Study the ASP .NET Application object, used to maintain unique or global information for the entire website, allowing all users to share the information stored in this object. Creating a simple chat application is provided as an example.

– File access
Study the .NET classes that allow files to be used to store information. It indicates how to write to the files and how to read their content and what precautions must be taken in this regard when the information comes from the user or from an unreliable source.

– Access to databases
The tools that will be used to create the database that supports the web application are detailed. This is the Microsoft SQL Server Desktop database manager and an application to manage it called Microsoft SQL Web Data Administrator. Instructions are provided on how to obtain these applications from the Internet download site and how to install them.

- To create the data base
It describes how to create the example database for the application of an e-commerce virtual store on the Internet. Microsoft SQL Server Desktop is used for this. The types of data available, how to create tables and relationships and any other details to create the database are studied.

– Security in the application
The different options available when authenticating a user in an ASP .NET application are detailed and the most appropriate way for an Internet application is configured. Access to the SQL Server database is also configured.

– Authentication with forms
Explains how to configure your ASP .NET application to use forms authentication and what the process is when it is configured this way. It also explains how to create secure websites through digital certificates and the SSL and HTTPS protocols.

– The DataGrid control
Describes the features and functionality provided by the DataGrid control as one of the main controls when displaying information on web pages from a database. It applies the disconnected approach, that is, through ADO .NET data sets or DataSet objects.

– DataGrid control (II)
Study some advanced features of a DataGrid control, such as the possibility of creating a data grid that allows paging and sorting results at the same time. It also studies the influence of view state when using DataGrid controls.

– Commands and data readers
Explains how you can use a direct database access, which may be more appropriate than creating data sets for certain situations. It works with Command and DataReader objects and provides guidance for storing connection details securely.

– The purchasing process
It explains how to implement the purchasing process in the virtual store, focusing the study on how to identify the customer's shopping cart.

– The purchasing process (II)
Everything necessary to implement the purchasing process in the virtual store is completed by seeing how the firm orders corresponding to the customers' shopping carts are created.

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