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Expert in Environmental Management in the company



Category: .

Product Description

Professionals who wish to acquire or expand knowledge related to the environment.

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Participants who pass the training action will be trained to develop environmental management plans and propose solutions to the different problems that may arise in companies in the management of said environmental aspects.

– This course has been designed taking into account the latest changes in environmental regulations.
– It is very useful for professionals in charge of carrying out the environmental management of companies, regardless of the sector to which they work, since the course develops each of the aspects that must be addressed in any environmental management model.
– Each of the main environmental aspects is detailed individually, but from the global perspective that environmental management requires.

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<strong>General concepts about the environment</strong>
.- Environment concept
.- Components of the environment
.- The environmental system model
.- Ecology and Environment
.- Human beings and the environment
.- Environmental resources
.- Environmental problems

<strong>Legal regulation of the environment</strong>
.- Environmental Law
.- International Law in the environment
.- Environmental law in the European Union
.- Environmental law in Spain
.- Distribution of powers in environmental matters
.- Instruments used by the Administration for the legal protection of the environment
.- Environmental responsibility and ecological crime
.- The right of access to environmental information
.- Public participation in environmental policy

<strong>Pollution of the aquatic environment</strong>
.- General characteristics about water
.- The quality of the water
.- Water treatment and purification systems
.- Treatment of natural waters
.- Treatment of waste water
.- Water Pollution
.- Legal obligations for discharges
.- Legal obligations for discharges into the Hydraulic Public Domain
.- Obligations for discharges to the Maritime-Terrestrial Public Domain
.- Legislation applicable to the aquatic environment

<strong>The air and its pollution</strong>
.- Description of air and atmosphere
.- Atmospheric pollutants and their sources of pollution
.- Classification of atmospheric pollutants
.- The dispersion of atmospheric pollution
.- Effects of air pollution
.- Instruments for the treatment of atmospheric pollution
.- Air quality and protection of the atmosphere

<strong>Noise pollution</strong>
.- Sound
.- The physical phenomenon of noise
.- The propagation of sound
.- Noise. Types of noise
.- Parameters that characterize noise
.- Noise generating activities
.- Instruments for measuring sound
.- Techniques for noise measurements
.- Noise evaluation
.- Noise maps
.- Effects produced by noise pollution
.- Protection measures against noise
.- Legislation on noise

<strong>Soil contamination</strong>
.- Concept and formation of soil
.- Soil classification
.- Soil degradation
.- Soil pollution
.- Soil decontamination
.- Decontamination techniques
.- Containment techniques
.- Confinement techniques
.- Legislation applicable to soil contamination

<strong>Waste management</strong>
.- Waste: Concept and typology
.- The problem of waste
.- Regulations applicable to waste management
.- Waste management
.- Industrial waste management
.- Minimization of waste
.- Waste minimization plans

<strong>Environmental management techniques (I)</strong>
.- Environmental management systems
.- Environmental management systems according to the UNE-EN ISO 14001:2004 standard
.- Environmental Management System according to the EMAS regulation
.- Life cycle analysis
.- Ecological label
.- Types of ecological labels
.- The European ecological label
.- Ecological marketing
.- Environmental Impact Assessment
.- Environment Effect investigation
.- Analysis of environmental impacts
.- Procedure for applying the Environmental Impact Assessment
.- Integrated pollution prevention and control Sustainable development and Agenda 21
.- Agenda 21

<strong>Environmental management techniques (II)</strong>
.- Natura 2000 Network
.- Fundamentals of the Natura 2000 Network
.- Management of the spaces of the Natura 2000 Network Protected natural spaces
.- Origin and evolution of protected natural spaces
.- Typology of protected natural spaces
.- Planning system for protected natural spaces
.- Operation of protected natural spaces
.- Management of protected natural spaces in Spain
.- Renewable energy
.- Bioenergy
.- The eolic energy
.- Solar energy
.- Geothermal energy
.- Hydraulic energy

<strong>Environmental Audits</strong>
.- Generalities about the Audit
.- Type of Audits
.- Parties involved in Environmental Audits
.- Content of the Environmental Audits
.- Regulations applicable to the process of an Environmental Audit
.- Methodology for Carrying out the Environmental Audit
.- Stages of the Environmental Audit
.- The environmental auditor
.- Competence of the auditors
.- Maintenance and improvement of competition
.- The audit team
.- The auditor's evaluation
.- Operation and responsibilities of the auditors

<strong>The environment in business management</strong>
.- The environmental environment in the company
.- Types of companies according to their involvement with the environment
.- Introduction of the environmental factor in the business environment
.- Repercussions of the introduction of the environmental factor in the business environment
.- Environmental regulations of the company
.- The company's environmental strategy
.- Business and sustainable development
.- Environmental impact of companies

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