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Window dressing


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Product Description

The objective of this course is to acquire general notions of Window dressing. The importance of advertising, light and color for the visual image of the window, as well as the different types of materials and windows.

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Window dressing and decoration in commerce is an advertising medium that aims to sell (a good sale). It emerged from the Industrial Revolution. Mechanization allows working in a chain and increasing the product, resulting in surpluses. These surpluses had to be sold and advertising was used for this (sandwich man). Since then everything has changed a lot but the objective remains the same: to sell. The student will learn the necessary concepts to be able to make their own showcase not only for decorative but also commercial purposes.

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– Know the general fundamentals of the showcase, in regards to materials and elements. – Realization of commercial showcases: the use and creation of supports, fabrics, signs, posters, etc.

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TOPIC 1. General Aspects Introduction General Aspects in the Preparation of a Showcase Other Aspects to take into account What we have learned Test Activities Topic 2. Basic Principles Basic Principles in the Assembly of a Showcase Fundamental Characteristics that a Showcase must have What we have learned Test Activities TOPIC 3. Commercial Objectives of the Showcase Introduction Mission of the Showcase Purpose of the Showcase What we have learned Test Activities TOPIC 4. The Evolution of the Showcase and the Commercial Image Origins Evolution 19th century What we have learned Test Activities TOPIC 5. Window dressing and the Image in the 21st Century Window Dressing in the 21st Century The Window Dresser What we have learned Test Activities TOPIC 6. Sensitive Perception Introduction to Sensory Perception How to Capture Attention What we have learned Test Activities Practical Assumption TOPIC 7. Communication The Model of Communication Messages that the Showcase must Transmit The Principle of the Differential Perception Threshold I The Principle of the Differential Perception Threshold II The Perception Process I The Perception Process II What we have learned Test Activities TOPIC 8. Basic Principles of Communication at the Point of Sales Basic Principles of Communication at the Point of Sale Dynamic and Static Situation of the Customer Advertising at the Point of Sale Hot and Cold Points Visual Merchandising Factors Merchandise Distribution What we have learned Test Activities Practical Assumption TOPIC 9. Exterior Location The Facade The Awning The Marquee The Name of the Establishment The Sidewalk as an Advertising Element The Glass Showcase The Hall of the Store The Closure The Door What we have learned Test Activities Practical Assumption TOPIC 10. Communication and Window Dressing Definition of Showcase Communication and Window Dressing Principles of Perception Visual in Window-Dressing What we have learned Test Activities Practical Assumption TOPIC 11. Adequacy of the Image of the Window-Window Analysis Phase Scope of Influence and Target Audience Window-Dressing and Competition Window-Dressing and Segmentation of the Target Audience What we have learned Test Activities Practical Assumption TOPIC 12. Principles Basics for Showcase Design Introduction to the Basic Principles Principles of Use and Reuse Principles of Showcase Assembly Principles of Categorization What we have learned Test Activities Practical Assumption TOPIC 13. Window Dressing and Budgeting Introduction to Window Dressing and Budgeting Budget Items Method for Budgeting What we have learned Test Activities Practical Assumption TOPIC 14. Elements involved in the Animation of a Showcase Elements of Settings Supports Hangers and Displays Mannequins, Modules, Flags and Backgrounds Displays Fantasies, Demos and Sets Signage, Sensors and Signage What we have learned Test Activities Assumption Practical TOPIC 15. Lettering and Screen Printing Screen Printing Lettering as an Image Systems for Labeling Characteristics and Techniques of Lettering What we have learned Test Activities TOPIC 16. Color Introduction to Color Chromatic Circle Color Classification Hot and Cold Colors Harmony and Contrast The Expressiveness of Colors Color Selection Criteria What we have learned Test Activities TOPIC 17. Lighting Lighting Lamps, Systems and Lighting Accessories Application of Light to a Premises What we have learned Test Activities TOPIC 18. Steps to Follow in the Assembly of a Planning Showcase. The Planning Idea. The Drawing and the Planning Plan. Assembly and Decoration Objectives of the Assembly of a Showcase Means. Structural Elements and Media Work Tools. Fixing Elements and Medium Basic Materials. Medium Adhesive Coatings. Paintings Media. Waxes, Bitumen, Glues and Fabrics Showcase Schedule Execution Plan What we have learned Test Activities Practical Assumption TOPIC 19. Control Ratios and Stands Control Ratios Indicators of Attraction, Conviction and Effectiveness The Stand What we have learned Test Activities Practical Assumption TOPIC 20. Window dressing and Aspects to Consider Shop windows according to their Structure Shop windows according to their Function Shop windows according to their Gender. Textile I Showcases according to their Gender. Textile II Footwear and Accessories Watches, Jewelry and Costume Jewelery Cosmetics, Pharmacies and Opticians Sports and Toys Bookstore, Photography and Mobile Telephony Florists and Appliances Food Furniture and Decorative Accessories Drugstore and Hardware Store What we have learned Test Activities Practical Assumption

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