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E-learning Technical Training


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Product Description

Train yourself to design, implement and develop training actions through New Technologies.

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At the end of the course, the student will know the theoretical and practical aspects related to the design, implementation and development of training actions through ICT and will be able to manage the numerous tasks involved in implementing a training action through an environment. virtual teaching-learning.

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Fundamentals of distance training

Theoretically substantiate open and distance teaching and learning and know the bases of learning in adults as well as the differential characteristics of people who learn at a distance.

Conceptual bases. Features of distance training

A historical approach is made to the phenomenon of distance education that allows us to discover how the evolution of technology has allowed different proposals belonging to different generations to coexist. The characteristics that differentiate distance training from in-person training are also provided.

Possibilities and contributions. Barriers

Identify the barriers and potentialities that define the environment where distance training takes place.

Modalities: traditional, e-learning, b-learning

Define the concept of e-learning and differentiate it from other related concepts. Identify the characteristics of e-learning compared to traditional distance training. Learn about other related trends, such as b-learning or blended learning.

The teaching-learning process in distance training

It explains how the teaching-learning process develops in virtual environments and the role of technology as a mediator and facilitator of the process, paying special attention to the introduction of the Internet in it and the new functions and competencies of tutors in this environment.

Basic principles of adult learning

Describes the general principles of adult learning and their implications for the design of e-learning content. Identify students' learning styles to adapt training to their heterogeneous needs and characteristics.

Training and new technologies

Know the characteristics of technological resources applied to distance education and their importance as a means of communication between students and teachers. Acquire the necessary knowledge to manage an e-learning platform and become familiar with the basic aspects of e-learning standards.

Internet resources for training

Introduction to the Internet and description of the main tools it introduces to facilitate training: synchronous and asynchronous communication tools.

E-learning as a training modality in the company

Describes the potential of e-learning as a training modality in companies, highlighting the advantages it presents over other training modalities. Describes strategies to implement e-learning in companies. Acquire the necessary knowledge to manage an e-learning platform.

E-learning supports and formats

Identify new trends in e-learning media and formats. Role of Web 2.0 applications.

e-learning standards

Study the concept of e-learning industry standards, as well as the organizations that are in charge of them. The AICC, SCORM standards and IMS specifications are mainly highlighted.

E-learning platforms: 2 Learning System

The main characteristics of an LMS system (Learning Management System) are described as a software platform that facilitates a virtual learning environment for the student and, in addition, facilitates other tasks related to student and enrollment administration, student monitoring by the teacher. , etc. The specific case of the 2 Learning System platform is studied.

E-learning platforms: Moodle

The main characteristics of an LMS system (Learning Management System) are described as a software platform that facilitates a virtual learning environment for the student and, in addition, facilitates other tasks related to student and enrollment administration, student monitoring by the teacher. , etc. The specific case of the Moodle platform is studied.

2 Virtual Class

The characteristics of videoconferencing as a teaching tool are described, using the 2 Virtual Class videoconferencing application as a very useful tool when it comes to facilitating communication between teachers and students and between the students themselves. After a brief technical overview, tips or techniques for conducting successful video conferencing are provided and some use cases are presented.

Skills, experiences and work tools of the training technician

Know the competencies and social skills necessary for the proper development of the training technician's functions. Know the usual work tools of the training technician (Microsoft office, Microsoft Project, email,?).

The professional profile of the training technician

Describes the characteristics of the professional profile of the training technician, whose main competencies are to develop, manage and evaluate training plans.

Analysis of training needs

Describes the tools and techniques available to the training technician to carry out the analysis of training needs in the company.

Work tools

Describes the computer tools that the training technician must use in his daily work.


Describes the social skills that the training technician must have.

Preparation and management of distance training projects

Learn the processes of design and development of e-learning materials taking into account the theoretical, pedagogical and technical aspects. Learn the basics of HR management. Acquire the necessary skills for the management and implementation of an e-learning project. Highlight and study the teacher's tutorial function in e-learning.

Preparation and management of distance training projects

Introduces the concept of project and its application in the development, management and evaluation of training actions through e-learning.

Phases of the design, production and implementation of training programs

It describes the characteristics that a training action through e-learning must have from the point of view of the program or training content to adapt to the previously stated objectives.

Design of tutoring systems: models and real cases

It describes the role of the tutor in a training action through e-learning, as well as the characteristics and competencies of the professional position.

Material resource management

It highlights educational platforms (LMS systems) and authoring tools as the most important material resources in a training action through e-learning. Provide examples.

2 Create

The authoring tool 2-Crea is described, which allows you to easily create, and without extensive computer knowledge, complete courses from existing materials or creating content using some features of the tool. The result obtained is a content package compatible with the SCORM standard.

Human resources management

It describes the professional competencies of the different professional profiles included in a project to implement training actions through e-learning.

Project launch

Describes the elements necessary to launch an e-learning project: content, hardware and software, team of professionals, etc. Study the SWOT model as a fundamental analysis tool to decide the convenience of carrying out the project.

Teletraining management

Describes the steps to be taken during the development of e-learning. From the preparation of the necessary team of professionals to the final delivery of the course.

Economic management of distance training projects

Analyze the costs and manage the budgets of a distance training project. Acquire the necessary knowledge for the control and management of educational projects.

Training cost analysis

Describes the different types of costs involved in a project of training actions through e-learning.

Budget management

Study how to manage a training action project through e-learning from the point of view of a company investment. It details the calculation of ROI (Return Of Investment) as the most appropriate method for this.

Project control and management

Describes the control and management mechanisms of a training action project through e-learning. To do this, three main areas involved in the project are studied: technology, content and services.

Quality and evaluation management

Develop the necessary capacity to plan and evaluate the training action and all the elements that intervene in it. Design processes for the evaluation of learning and techniques to carry them out.

Conceptual bases of evaluation. Guys

Describes the evaluation process in the educational field and its relationship with quality. Study which components of the entire process should be evaluated and how to do it. In this way we not only focus on the evaluation of learning, but on the entire process.

Evaluation instruments

Describes the evaluation instruments of the training process available to the training technician. Study different testing systems for learning evaluation.

2 Test

The 2-Test application is described, which allows you to easily create tests, tests, etc. in order to facilitate the evaluation of students by teachers or the self-assessment of the students themselves. With 2-Test you can create different types of questions, according to the IMS QTI specification.


It describes quality management as a global and comprehensive process, since it is addressed as an organizational strategy and not just the training process.

Project closure

Describes the tasks to be performed when closing the e-leraning project and the reports that must be generated.

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