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Analysis and Job Description (APT / DPT)


Category: .

Product Description

Determine what people do, how they do it, what are the characteristics of their activities, what processes take place and what are the qualifications or requirements that are needed for the development of the position.

Human resources are the essential asset that will lead the organization to a dynamic of innovation and continuous improvement that makes it more efficient and competitive.


Did you know...?

Defining jobs helps to:

…Have a detailed job manual that facilitates the processes of selection of the staff. It helps to have the right people at the right time.

…  Assess the adaptation of current personnel to the positions, both in knowledge, skills and attitudes required. Optimize the person-position-result triad, promoting the full potential of the people who make up organizations, while optimizing organizational processes.

…Design a program training that allows reducing the gap that exists between the requirements of the position and the competencies of the occupants. Consider the needs of the people and the possibilities of the company.

It will create a Job manual which will contain the Description of each position analyzed. The report for each position contains

1. Identification data.

2. Mission of the position.

3. Place occupied in the organization.

4. Functions and activities of the job.

5. Responsibilities and compliance indicators.

6. Competencies of the position.

7. Relational diagram of the position/communication.