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The future is here….

The future is here….

We have lived immersed in the golden age of e-learning. We have had time to experience several evolutions and reinventions of digital training.



But it's just now when the matter gets interesting. The maturation of the post-PC era, along with the advent of several truly disruptive technologies, opens the door to the incorporation of sectors of the population hitherto forgotten and the use of methodologies far from education.



Until now, teaching 2.0 has been in charge of a very specific segment of society. A group made up of young people, but with a minimum age, who seek to improve their CV, increase their employability or achieve professional improvement. That is to say, they have been forgetting entire niches of citizens that they now have on smartphones and tablets and in their micromessaging apps. educational environments empathetic, more flexible, dynamic and playful.



We dare to predict that in the next 36 months we will see the incorporation of segments of the population pyramid other than the usual ones with very progressive methodologies. Let's give some examples:



  • Digital immigrants and their hidden knowledge: The friendly work environments offered by mobile devices with a simplified operating system have allowed digital immigrants over 50 years of age to access content in an easy and simple way. This age range, with very specific concerns in health, well-being and general culture, has historically been a niche forgotten by e-learning. Through the social agents linked to these sectors it is reasonable to understand and respond to this need. But tablets can also constitute a two-way channel so that your wisdom is not forgotten. exist authentic authoring tools (Medium, Vine, Snatchap, etc.) so that they can share their personal and professional experiences, offering a unique intergenerational window.



  • The analog gap and the little ones: Much has been debated about the pedagogical drawbacks of access of children under five years of age to mobile devices. It is necessary to put this controversy aside and accept reality. These are the first generations touch And there is no turning back. We must go on the offensive with appropriate content, methodologies and environments based on their way of understanding leisure and consumption. To do this, they must include analog elements that reduce the attention and interest that electronic devices arouse in them and, obviously, in a solution gamified, as products like OSMO.


  • Immersive technology and staying focused: The incredible hype that augmented and virtual reality environments are generating has a direct application to create specific isolation and concentration systems that allow you to truly achieve a mindfulness of the students when they are being trained. We anticipate the arrival of language, socio-health, overcoming phobias and HR courses where participants can increase their performance by avoiding distractions including VR glasses in their pedagogical material.


  • Micromessaging: Once WhatsApps and Telegrams are already part of our social environment, it is time to use them as a vehicle for traction and transmission of educational content. As solutions low technology For that part of the population that does not have a computer and that feels comfortable using these systems, the contents and e-Learning platforms must change, using the improvements that these services are including, such as sending attachmentsBots, own channels, etc. Generating courses exclusively in these apps is the real challenge for 2016 for consulting firms and publishers.


  • Full availability: With the arrival of the Smart Watches, coming from the world of sports quantification, a broader window has been opened to training. A window based on micropills viewed from the mobile phone and that takes the Mobile Learning. We predict the integration of the smartwatch in the AAFF as a notification system advancing to fight against abandonment, but also as a generator of community and student/tutoring communication, creating a highly productive system by increasing the availability and portability of pedagogical tools


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