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The podcast as an educational resource

Podcast for training (I): breaking schemes

Podcast for training (I): breaking schemes

Podcast, discovering tools.

A few years ago I taught a professional certificate in the modality of FPE about PC repair and assembly. I had been working with the group for a few weeks when I realized that certain theoretical concepts were costing them more work than necessary. I had already incorporated video tutorials and some homemade infographics and they had worked very well for the practical skills that they had to learn, but the theoretical side was weaker.
During one of the breaks, and with a coffee in between, one of the students saw the mental maps that I used internally to organize my ideas (as well as the numerous projects I was embarking on) and he asked me what exactly they were. I decided to extend the explanation to the entire class and use them to teach them to organize, but also as an introduction to each teaching unit, thus smoothing the rough terrain of the most complex parts.
With the window open to using new forms of educational transfer and with the satisfaction it gives when students finally grasp what until then was too dense for them, I thought about introducing the podcast experimentally. As it gave good results, it became an everyday resource: every morning we started class with one of the wonderful Daily (daily short podcast, less than ten minutes) from Christian Garcia. The sensory and cerebral attention motivated by the novelty of the channel and the need to maintain focus during listening meant that hours-long explanations were reduced to the mere 15 minutes that the audios lasted.
That was an innovative course for everyone. Both they and I learned to change course when things don't work. In the business world they call it pivot. In Psychology (and also in entrepreneurial culture), resilience. My students changed their way of learning and I adapted my way of teaching to their needs.
This spirit of self-criticism and continuous improvement is something that must be inherent to any training process.
And, of course, it is a norm in all of our products and services.

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