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Possibly one of the more powerful performances that an organization can do.

Sustainability rating: risk management

This performance is directly related to and responds to the European Commission's 2011 definition of CSR. It is a guarantee of seriousness and understanding of what CSR means, vis-à-vis interest groups, so that its future actions regarding CSR are coherent, integrated and credible for its interest groups.


A Sustainability Rating is a systematic evaluation of the viability of an organization, based on the management of its non-financial risks, and its impact on value generators.


Through a rating the company obtains a sustainability rating, (ranging from A+,A,B+,B, C+, and C), which is obtained from identify and assess your risks, and how these are managed, at the same time, the company knows how they impact the generators of intangible value or "value drivers" (Brand and Reputation, Human Capital, Operational Efficiency, Legal Compliance, and Access to new markets).


The risk areas, with a total of 10, analyzed are: ethics, social (Community, Human Rights, Clients), environment (Emissions, Discharges, Ecosystems) and labor (Equality and Diversity, Recruitment and Retention, Working Conditions).


Did you know...?

Make a «sustainability rating» provides a global framework for action, creating coherence in future CSR actions.

  • Company type: A Professional Association commissioned us to carry out an evaluation regarding the quality of its organization and systems related to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) impacts, in order to understand the ability to manage material CSR risks.
  • Methodology used: SME Rating© that helps identify the most important CSR risks of the sector of activity to be evaluated (in this case the fulfillment of the Purposes and Functions that the Professional Association is entrusted with according to Title II of its Statute in force) and its relevance to the College, in addition to analyzing how it identifies and manages its CSR risks at a strategic level.
  • Development: An identification and classification of ICOFMA CSR risks at a strategic level:
    • Identification of generators that influence risks at a strategic level.
    • Evaluation of the management approach to the identified risks.
    • First phase: Preparation and presentation of a sector risk mapping, adapted to the characteristics of the organization.
    • Second stage: Verify the management practices of the risks detected by the organization, evaluating the following parameters.
      • 1. Focus: Organization policies.
      • 2. Deployment: Implementation of said policies.
      • 3. Validation: how the company carries out evaluation, monitoring and control.
      • 4. Performance or performance: how you measure and set objectives.
      • 5. Transparency and communication: how you communicate your progress and achievements
  • What did they get?: The final grade obtained by the School was C+.


What we offer?

strategy of Corporate Social Responsibility based on:

  • Prior analysis of risks and management systems, and how these act on their intangible value generators.
  • Identify opportunities of improvement in addition to strengths, through CSR reports (data measurement, internal communication systems).
  • To establish a link between value generators of the organization (eg reputation and brand, or human capital) and CSR risks.
  • Contribute to brand value or the reputation of the organization.
  • Position your company or organization in your sector compared to the competition.

< €7,000

depending on the size of the company

If you have any doubts...