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The launching pad to a new job.

Outplacement – Relocation programs

Relocation Programs, although not guaranteeing the achievement of a new job, do aim to increase the probability that it will be carried out. the candidate's job reintegration. Therefore, the benefits are reflected both in the employee who receives advice to undertake the job search on the current demands of the labor market, and for the company that offers a better deal. human to the terminated worker, while improving its corporate image and minimizing possible internal tensions that may arise.


A wide range of Outplacement Services can be offered, adapting them to the needs of each person, however, the Relocation Programs can be classified into Individual Programs (depending on whether these are directed to a single person) or in Collective Programs (aimed at a group of laid-off workers), have a minimum duration of between 3 and 6 months.


The Outplacement Programs (OPC) bring together a series of strategies support, psychological and technical guidance, for those people subject to job separation, and thus be able to face the trauma of dismissal.


He contribution of psychological support in labor transition processes, it is significantly important, especially in the initial stages of the process, such as in the evaluation of the subjects' competencies, career orientation and the new search in the labor market.


A Replacement Program has a series of steps or phases:


Phase I. Technical advice to the business organization that proposes the dismissal, on how to propose and communicate the restructuring program.

Phase II. Evaluation of potential (Personal and professional balance).

Phase III. Setting Objectives and implementation of the Action Plan.

Phase IV. Preparation and acquisition of job search techniques.

Phase V. Search and continuous monitoring.

Phase VI. Monitoring of the incorporation and integration into the new job.


Did you know...?

Carrying out an Outplament process helps the company to:

  • Show social sensitivity.
  • Maintain the credibility and trust from staff to the business organization.
  • Enhance the image of the organization, reducing social conflict.
  • Ensure and maintain in the company the continuity of commitment, the motivation, dedication and loyalty of the workers who continue to work.
  • Strengthen and maintain good public image of the company before its clients, suppliers, financial entities,… and public opinion in general.

What we offer?

The OPC process involves:


  • Psychological Help.
  • Job orientation.
  • Training, training and networking.
  • Acceleration of entrepreneurship.
  • Labor intermediation through the placement agency.

Depending on the number of employees to be served:

  • Between 1 and 15: €450 / person
  • Between 15 and 30: €400 / person
  • More than 30: consult.
If you have any doubts...