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Health and commercial prevention at your service.

Commercial diagnosis

The Commercial Diagnosis examines the six main components that make up the axes strategic of the company's commercial policy, in order to analyze the positioning of the brand, the organization of the network of sales, development of the distribution network, etc…


Diagnostic management process of the company's commercial functions, through which the effectiveness and efficiency, the policies and practices of the commercial and sales area of the business organization, in order to identify possible areas of improvement.


A work procedure is developed that involves the use of diagnostic tools, which will allow us to obtain information quantitative and qualitative about the current functioning of the commercial and sales area of the company.


The ultimate purpose of a Commercial Diagnostic study is to know the strenghts, in order to enhance them, and the weaknesses, to correct them, that is, it is the first step to develop a successful business model in the business organization.


Did you know...?

Carrying out a Commercial Diagnosis helps to:

  • Audit the company's business development and sales plan.
  • Identify the company's possible areas of commercial weakness.
  • Detect possible deficiencies, and/or biases, in the main components of the company's commercial strategy.
  • Pose continuous reviews of the business development model.

What we offer?

A development in phases:

  • Phase I: Diagnosis of the Commercial Environment.
  • Phase II. : Diagnosis of the Commercial Strategy.
  • Phase III. : Diagnosis of the Commercial Organization.
  • Phase IV. : Diagnosis of Commercial Systems.
  • Phase V.: Diagnosis of Commercial Productivity.
  • Phase VI. : Diagnosis of Commercial Functions.

800 €

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