Companies that wish to do so have until October 15 to request the extension of the ERTE from November 1, 2021 to February 28, 2022, as contemplated in the Royal Decree-Law 18/2021, of September 28.
In this extension of the measures associated with the temporary regulation of employment due to the pandemic, a significant change occurs with respect to the previous ones and is the creation of a new ERTE modality linked to training which will additionally benefit companies that train their workers.
So, Companies that promote continuous training of people included in the ERTE will benefit from complementary exemptions and an increase in training credit in order to finance said cost.
Some conditions on training actions:
- Training linked to the job, the company's activity or other training that promotes employability is accepted.
- The minimum duration will be 30 hours. for companies between 10 and 49 people and 40 hours. for those with more than 50 employees.
- They must be completed by June 30, 2022.
- The additional credit that will be assigned to the company varies between €425 per person if they are between 1 and 9 and €320 for those who are 50 or more.
- The exemption from Social Security contributions for companies that take advantage of the Training ERTE will be 80% (instead of 40% in companies with 10 or more workers and 50% for those with less than 10).
From Mainjobs Group We have designed specific training plans for the commerce, hospitality, transportation, graphic arts and other sectors. so that companies can include them in their ERTE extension request so that they can benefit from the complementary exemptions.
If you are interested in us sending you the training plan that best suits your company, you can contact:
Mª Carmen Ruiz
Director of corporate training projects
Tel. 637829089 – 952062923