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Customized and current e-Learning content in a modular format

E-learning content

E-learning content

Preparation of content under a quality instructional design, where the true protagonist is the student

Rome was not built in a day and Chicote was not born knowing plate food. We conceive our products and services as a building that we help you build to where you want and with the materials you want. The e-learning content They are easy to "cook and prepare" when you have experience and, above all, a vocation for what you do.


If you think about your transversal needs (Languages, Prevention, Quality, etc.), we have the content in 2.0 format. If what you are looking for is something sectoral, such as professional cards, certifications or job retraining, we have them too.


E-learning content

Our e-learning contents are developed under the standard SCORM and following the criteria of the UNE 66181 standard for quality of virtual training. Throughout the development process, the plan initially outlined in the instructional design of the contents is followed and each phase of the project is evaluated using a control checklist. quality which guarantees the perfection of the product.


Instructional design

It is nothing more than the strategy we use when creating, so that technology takes a back seat, to focus on what is truly important: student learning experience, to provide clarity, practicality and direct connection with the needs of the participants in the training actions.

To complete the process you will find four well-distinguished phases:


  1. Analysis: Variables such as the time available, the means available, the profile of those involved, etc. arise from the recipients, the material and the work environment.
  2. Design: Practical activities, teaching strategy used, evaluation systems, etc.
  3. Development: Creation of material, Moodle programming, multimedia content, etc.
  4. Implantation: Seeking interaction with all participants (tutors, designers, etc.).

A fifth will be continuous assessment of the entire process to improve the final production, in each of the stages that the model contemplates.

Did you know...?

The deployment of a good content e-learning, under a good virtual training platform, allows each person to advance at their own learning pace, promoting a true process of teaching – learning.

What we offer?

Our service includes:

  • Diagnosis of training needs.
  • Design of e-learning content to cover these needs.
  • Learning evaluation design.
  • Assessment of the impact of the training action.

< €2,000

If you have any doubts...