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CMI-5 Contents the safest and most mobile training

CMI-5 contents, new standard for the next decade

CMI-5 contents, new standard for the next decade

New standards, new times

SCORM It is a continually evolving set of standards. At the beginning of 2016, the work environment for CMI-5 Contents was presented. Instead of being a new iteration, it lays the foundations of a new paradigm, closely linked to the project. TIN CAN API. The improvements are aimed at overcoming problems in previous versions of SCORM:


  • Code update (increased security and shorter loading times): After almost a decade, an optimization of the "mother" code of the entire system was necessary. Furthermore, installation on servers with a higher degree of security certifications is less conflictive.
  • Viewing on mobile devices: Being able to function without LMS (learning management system), unlike SCORM, AUs do not have to be launched from a browser. This also allows packaging in the form of Apps.
  • Minor bug fixes: Above all to improve the use of systems with lower capacity equipment or low speed Internet connection. This will also result in shorter loading times.
  • Hosting content on other servers: Scorm forces it to reside in the LMS, with CMI5, the content can be anywhere (it could even reside on a CDN).
  • Extensibility. The registration not only comes from the structure of the content, which allows the integration of functionalities simply by adding the data they provide. from more sources simply by including functionality to the API module. 

CMI-5 contents, natural evolution

Paradigm changes are never easy but when the reward is high there is the extra motivation of being the first to do so. offer an experience of better user experience for both students, teachers and support technicians, but also for creatives and designers who can focus on giving the best of themselves by simplifying and enhancing the tools they can use. In addition, new resources also generate new methodologies and content.

Did you know...?

The first version of SCORM was presented in the year 2000. Since then it has had four major updates.

What we offer?

  • Migration of old versions of SCORM.
  • Creation of content in new standard.
  • Content hosting.
If you have any doubts...