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Mainjobs joins the Pact for Generation D, an initiative of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation for the development of digital skills in Spanish society

Mainjobs joins the Pact for Generation D, an initiative of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation for the development of digital skills in Spanish society

Mainjobs and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation have reached an agreement for the consulting firm to adhere to 'Pact for Generation D', an initiative that seeks to develop and improve the digital skills of Spanish society.

This new ministerial plan is supported by more than 50 public and private sector organizations, which are committed, according to the manifesto that they have all signed, to raise awareness in society regarding digitalization and to make the means available to them free of charge. adapt to new technologies.

The project is aimed at anyone who wants to train and improve their digital skills, whether individually, professionally or through their own company. Thus, the Pact platform offers a wide variety of training programs on this subject of digitalization and in different formats: training pills, live courses, delayed, in-person, online, etc.

In the case of Mainjobs, we joined the initiative as part of our effort to help digitize society at all levels. Our work is fully aligned with the Component 19 and the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, continuously collaborating with the public administration in favor of the development of digital skills, whether through training programs or other tools such as skills certification platforms.

Among the initiatives that we have developed and included in the 'Pact for Generation D' include training tailored to the groups that can benefit the most from them: populations isolated from large centers, people at risk of social exclusion, entrepreneurs, etc.

Mainjobs can actively participate and support these projects thanks to a multidisciplinary team made up of 300 consultants with digital DNA who come from fields ranging from biology to pedagogy, and they are trained to face any type of challenge. At Mainjobs we are proud to be part of the 'Pact for Generation D' and we support this initiative of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation with the aim of improving digital inclusion and reducing the existing gap in this matter.

Communication Mainjobs