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Mainjobs leads a new vocational training project for people actively seeking employment launched by the Ministry of Education

Mainjobs leads a new vocational training project for people actively seeking employment launched by the Ministry of Education

New project aimed at training more than 2,580 unemployed people

He Ministry of Education has recently awarded Mainjobs the leadership of a new training project intended to professionally train 2,580 people unemployed through the development of 172 professional certificates. This ambitious initiative will be carried out in a network of 9 centers distributed in 7 Autonomous Communities: Andalusia, Community of Madrid, Catalonia, Valencian Community, Canary Islands, Castilla y León and Extremadura.

He aim What the Ministry pursues with this program is improve the qualifications of participating people and boost the competitiveness of the productive sector, relying on specialized training entities that design and develop this new training offer from a sustainable point of view and based on the real needs of the business community.

The new professional certificates developed belong to 8 of the priority areas included in the Plan for the modernization of vocational training, such as, for example, the Internalization of companies, industrial activities or information technologies (ICT). These training actions will be started progressively from now until the end of 2024. Thus, we offer the opportunity to train at a professional level to anyone interested in subjects such as: computing, marketing, tourism, business administration and management or web page creation.

References in training

This training project designed by Mainjobs has obtained the highest technical score among the options presented to the Ministry, giving us the award of the initiative. «We are excited to lead this ambitious group of vocational training centers for employment in the first Call that the Ministry of Education promotes a project of these characteristics,” comments María José Morales, Director of Operations of the Public Area of Mainjobs.

For her part, Carmen Mesa, director of the project along with her namesake at Mainjobs, María Jáimez, alleges that “We do it with the responsibility of carrying out an ambitious program in terms of the high number of people to be qualified, but also with the peace of mind and guarantee of having training centers with a high degree of specialization in the group in training in each of the productive sectors with the most professional demand in their territories, so we are sure that we will achieve the set objectives.»

This project joins an extensive list of projects that different public organizations have awarded to Mainjobs in recent years., such as the development of training itineraries for ComDix or the digitalization program for the Spanish educational sector thanks to the development of a certification platform for digital teaching skills for teachers, a contract also awarded by the Ministry of Education. The security that we provide to each client in the different projects we manage lies in the extensive experience of our team, as well as the care and attention to detail that characterizes us.

Communication Mainjobs