Mainjobs launches 13,000 training places
Mainjobs has designed and made available to citizens different free training plans in collaboration with the Ministry of Labor and the State Public Employment Service. 13,000 working people in Spain will be able to benefit from this initiative, with the aim of continuing to advance in their professional career, acquire new skills and update their skills and knowledge to the reality of the business community.
This training offer is made up of more than a hundred online courses, created for professionals in sectors such as commerce and marketing, construction, training and education, large distribution, food industry, B2B services, environmental services, administration and management or hospitality.
“Continuous training is the key tool that companies and self-employed people have to stay at their best professional moment and adapt to constantly evolving markets.

In Mainjobs We have been collaborating with the public administration for multisectoral professional training for decades.", so the launch of this new call is a challenge that we take on with enthusiasm and with all the necessary tools to provide students with a satisfactory experience." – Says María Jáimez, one of the directors who leads this ambitious project at Mainjobs.
By financing this type of training, the SEPE ensures the guarantee of the exercise of the right to training of workers. According to the INE, The number of employed people in Spain currently stands at 21,056,700, the highest historical figure collected by the Institute. We are, therefore, faced with an unprecedented situation in which we must provide this group with the necessary resources to develop their professional activity successfully.
People interested in training can choose the course that best suits their needs and enroll in