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Mainjobs in the media

Eight itineraries for the Procesa digital skills program

The municipal entity Procesa, in collaboration with the company Mainjobs, has scheduled an information day about a digital skills program open to all citizens of Ceuta scheduled for this Wednesday. The program will have eight different itineraries.

The main objective of this initiative is to publicize the program aimed at all people in the autonomous city interested in improving their training with new technologies and digital skills.

The Andalusian Cybersecurity Cluster is born, with more than 60 entities and located at the CIAN

The Minister of the Presidency, Interior, Social Dialogue and Administrative Simplification, Antonio Sanz, has presented in Malaga the Andalusian Cybersecurity Cluster, which will be based at the Andalusian Cybersecurity Center (CIAN) in the capital of Malaga. Sanz thanked the more than 60 companies that initially joined the Cluster for their commitment.

The counselor has highlighted "the presence of the academic field with the universities of Granada, Malaga, Córdoba and Seville and a large part of the most powerful companies in terms of cybersecurity."

Mainjobs and Unicaja invest in Educa360 to promote the application of virtual reality to the educational sector

In its latest investment round, the technology company Educa360 has obtained the support of Mainjobs and Fundalogy, belonging to Unicaja, two important actors involved in promoting innovation in the training sector.

Thanks to this recent operation, Educa 360 reinforces its resources and accelerates its growth and penetration in the educational market internationally. Educa360, an organization founded in 2021 that has undergone rapid growth since its inception due to the strong innovative nature of its products and services, is the key partner for any educational entity that seeks to break barriers between face-to-face and online training.

Cajasur Banco and Mainjobs promote the digital transformation of companies

Cajasur Banco and Mainjobs will launch a digital transformation program aimed at SMEs, which will address the keys to undertaking the technological evolution that companies require in the current economic environment.

The digital transformation program will be aimed at management personnel of Andalusian companies with a workforce of less than 250 workers and a minimum of 10 people. The 136-hour training program will be completely free for participating companies, as it is subsidized with Next Generation funds from the European Union.

EIP, the only school that applies AI and advanced programming to its Master of Renewable Energy

In a world in which the urgency to adopt renewable energy sources is becoming more and more pressing, the most cutting-edge organizations in the sector have turned to digital tools such as artificial intelligence or programming with Python to accelerate the search for new sustainable energy solutions. . The EIP International Business School's Professional Master in Renewable Energy, Smart Grids and Electric Mobility has been the first to introduce training in these technologies to its programming, with the aim of training its students to bring digital transformation to companies in the that will develop their professional career.

Mainjobs takes another step in the continuous improvement of its training offer by signing an agreement with Harvard Business Publishing

EIP International Business School, the Mainjobs business school, takes another step in the continuous improvement of its training offer by signing an agreement with Harvard Business Publishing, an entity that makes official training materials accessible to select training centers in different digital formats. : simulation, practical cases, video training, etc. Specifically, EIP has added the leadership certification belonging to the Harvard ManageMentor content collection, a repository of educational content designed to transmit essential soft skills for business management to students.

Mainjobs launches 13,000 online training places in collaboration with the Ministry of Labor for workers, self-employed people and entrepreneurs from different sectors

Mainjobs has designed and made available to citizens different free training plans in collaboration with the Ministry of Labor and the State Public Employment Service. 13,000 working people in Spain will be able to benefit from this initiative, with the aim of continuing to advance in their professional career, acquire new skills and update their skills and knowledge to the reality of the business community.

Free digital skills courses

If you want to train at a technological level, from scratch or expand knowledge, there is a completely free training program that Ainhoa Bao Carrasco, coordinator of the Ceuta Digital project, Pedagogue and Training Technician in Mainjobs, has spoken about on Radio Television of Ceuta in the program informative CONNECT2.

These courses, which do not require prior training, are designed to be accessible to people of all ages.

The main objective of this initiative is to provide the population of Ceuta with tools that allow them to improve their employment situation in an increasingly digitalized market.

Managers and companies

Specific training to be a SAP consultant, dedicated only to people with disabilities

SAP consultants and corporate users of SAP solutions are the two employment categories most in demand by companies to find profiles of people with disabilities. SAP itself and the Universia Foundation have signed an agreement to provide these skills to this group and thus boost their level of employability. Both firms have created the “Inclusive SAP & Fundación Universia Ecosystem” program, which has been presented by Félix Monedero, general director of SAP Spain, and Rafael Hernández, vice president of Santander Universities and general director of Universia.

Twelve students from the penitentiary center, in a Procesa digital training course

A group of twelve students from the Ceuta Penitentiary Center will begin tomorrow, Wednesday the 25th, the digital training program launched by the public company Procesa, which depends on the Ministry of Finance, Economic Transition and Digital Transformation, through the company Mainjobs.

Participants will complete the "Basic level digital skills" course with which they will be introduced to the world of new technologies, carry out procedures online, in addition to other easy-to-use activities, such as Google Drive.

Aehcos and Mainjobs will promote training in digital transformation of the hotel sector

The Association of Hotel Entrepreneurs of the Costa del Sol (Aehcos) has signed a collaboration agreement with the training company Mainjobs…

Aehcos and Mainjobs will promote training in digital transformation of the hotel sector The Association of Hotel Entrepreneurs of the Costa del Sol (Aehcos) has signed a collaboration agreement with the training company Mainjobs with the aim of offering free training courses to entrepreneurs , managers and middle managers of the province's hotel establishments to promote the digital transformation of the sector.

Digital training in Cantabria

The Government of Cantabria is promoting the digital training of more than 9,000 people through 'Digital Training in Cantabria'.

Cantabria Digital Training is an initiative aimed at guaranteeing the training and inclusion of citizens, facilitating the process of digital transformation of society and the economy.

Cadena Ser has echoed the news and has had Beatriz Lafarga, our project director, who has explained the different free training itineraries as well as all the details of the program.

The fight against the digital divide, the objective of the new Procesa courses

Alleviating the digital divide and training the citizens of Ceuta in digital skills is one of the objectives of the City through Procesa. For this reason, it has launched a series of courses through the Mainjobs International Educational Technology entity.

The project director and specialist in educational innovation at Mainjobs, Ana Infantes, traveled this Friday to the autonomous city, specifically to the Construction School, to launch these training courses in digital skills and explain their objectives.

The Cantabrian Government promotes the digital training of more than 9,000 people through a free program

The Cantabrian Government is promoting the digital training of more than 9,000 people through 'Cantabria Digital Training', a free program run by Mainjobs with the aim of improving citizens' digital skills for their professional and personal lives.

Mainjobs is the company awarded this project launched by the Government of Cantabria to improve society's adaptation to the demands of digitalization, all with financing from the Next Generation funds of the European Union.

The CUDECA Piggy Banks will raise more than €41,000 in 2022 for the care of people with cancer and other advanced diseases

Present at the event, on behalf of CUDECA, were Dr. Marisa Martín Roselló, manager of the foundation; Rosa Cazorla, coordinator of the home care program; and Sara Baena, piggy bank coordinator. On behalf of Mainjobs, Mª Carmen Ruiz, director of projects and institutional relations, and Isabel Diéguez, director of communications, came to the firm. For several years, CUDECA has had the support of Mainjobs, a company that sponsors the Foundation's solidarity piggy banks with €3,000, which provides the necessary funds for the creation of the 1,200 solidarity piggy banks.

Castilla y León awards a contract for 6.9 million to train 35,000 people in digital skills

The Ministry of Mobility and Digital Transformation of the Government of Castilla y León has awarded a public contract for 6.9 million euros for training in "basic digital skills" for a minimum of 35,166 people in the Community, according to what appears on the portal. of public procurement of the State and collected by Europa Press. The contract, financed with 'Next Generation' funds from the European Union, has been awarded to Mainjobs Internacional Educativa y Tecnológica, a company based in Malaga and specialized in "360 digitalization and training services", as described by the company on its website. Corporate web.

The Navarro Employment Service offers a new free program on cybersecurity

The Navarrese Employment Service has launched a training project that pursues professional specialization in computer security for 80 people in Navarra. The program, which began on May 22, is being run by technology consulting firm Mainjobs. This project, as reported in a press release, was born "thanks to the will of the SNE to allocate top-level resources to citizens to achieve a double objective: to promote the employability of registered people and to promote the evolution of the business fabric of the area through the training of professionals to face the challenges of digitalization.

The CET signs a collaboration agreement with Mainjobs Educational and Technological Innovation

The president of the Torremolinos Business Circle, Adolfo Trigueros, signed a collaboration agreement with the company Mainjobs Internacional Educativa y Tecnológica for the implementation of 100% Training Programs that can be credited in the Social Security of the member companies of our association.

Members of the Torremolinos Business Circle will have a discount of 20% on billing for all training actions they carry out with Mainjobs, and interested members will also have free advice on preparing their Training Plan.

Mainjobs will train and insert 70 people for a SAE contract

Mainjobs has been awarded a project promoted by the Andalusian Employment Service to achieve job placement for 70 people belonging to vulnerable groups in the province of Malaga in the next 7 months, through the design and development of personalized itineraries.

“Behind this new rewarding challenge there is 70 people with 70 families who trust our team to prosper professionally. 

There is no option to fail,” says Toñi González, director of Employment Projects at Mainjobs, about the launch of this new program.

The onTech Innovation cluster presents the best exercise in its history in the last meeting of its Board of Directors

Leading a renewed Digital Health Commission will be Javier Pérez Arana, CEO of Ingeniova. The merger of the Digital Skills Commission with the Talent and Organizational Development Commission, led by Eusebio Villalón, CEO of the Mainjobs Group, has also been announced. Julio Pérez, general director of Grupo Soltel, remains at the head of the Public Administration Commission, and Juan Lucas Retamar, general director of the Solutia Group, becomes president of the new Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Commission. The association base of the group now exceeds 750 companies, entities and knowledge centers. Throughout 2022, 78 additions have been added.

The Ministry of Finance awards a contract for training services in digital skills

Through the Contracting Body of the Autonomous City of Ceuta, the Ministry of Finance, Economy and Public Function has awarded a contract for Action Services for the acquisition of digital skills for citizens and citizens and reduction of the digital gender gap in the city.

The contract with Financing with EU funds associated with the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, was assigned to the company Mainfor Technological Solutions and Training.

More than 300 Valencian companies get on the digital transformation bandwagon

Small and medium-sized companies are the heart of the productive fabric not only in Spain, but also in Europe and the world. According to the UN, they represent 90 % of companies, between 60 % and 70 % of employment and 50 % of GDP worldwide. In Spain, SMEs account for 95 % of companies and employ more than 16 million people.

With the crisis caused by the coronavirus, many of them suffered a strong impact. To repair the damage caused by the pandemic, both economic and social, the European Union launched the NextGenerationEU funds.

Forbes Marketing People | Sergio García, Director of Communication at Grupo Mainjobs

With Sergio García the world has lost a pastry chef: his grandfather and his father dedicated themselves to such a sweet profession. “But the baking gene has been lost along the way…” he jokes.

Instead, a communications expert has gained who since March 2022 has been the department director (in duo with Isabel Diéguez) at Mainjobs, a company based in Malaga that began its activity in 2008 and is dedicated to providing technological solutions. to the field of education.

The Junta de Andalucía offers free courses to obtain the B2 and C1 certificate in English

For many, English is the pending subject, Chinese is the shoe of our training, the requirement we lack to apply for that desired job. If you do not have the time or money to go to a language academy, the new Andalucía Orienta proposal may be a solution.

These are free online English courses to obtain the B2 and C1 certificate. To participate in the courses, you must meet the following requirements: be over 16 years old and resident in Andalusia.

Cudeca Foundation Benalmadena signed agreement with Grupo Mainjobs

THE Cudeca Foundation Benalmadena signed agreement with Grupo Mainjobs on April 11 to sponsor the charity's collecting tins.

This is a one-year exclusive sponsorship whereby the company will finance the distribution of these collecting tins throughout Malaga Province. Through this sponsorship, Mainjobs will allow the Cudeca Foundation to put some 200 tins into circulation with the aim of continuing to raise funds for its cause.

The agreement was signed by Eusebio Villalon, CEO of Grupo Mainjobs, and Marisa Martin Rosello, CEO and Medical Director of Cudeca.

SEPE, Fundae and the International Graduate School — EIP sign a collaboration agreement within the framework of “Digitalízate Plus”

Gerardo Gutiérrez Ardoy, general director of SEPE and Antonio de Luis Acevedo, managing director of Fundae, have signed an agreement with the International Graduate School (Mainjobs Group) for the incorporation of new training resources to the Fundae “Digitalízate Plus” space.

The International Graduate School (EIP) is an educational institution belonging to the Mainjobs Group, an organization dedicated to training and technological innovation, with an international vocation and focused on employability.

The challenge of the PFEA in Córdoba: digitally train 27,000 women in two years

The Agricultural Employment Promotion Program (PFEA), former PER, has set itself the challenge of eliminating the gender gap in rural environments by promoting the digital inclusion of women and their training for employment.

To achieve this, the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) has promoted the Digital Literacy Program in 28 Spanish provinces, those that have participated or have ever been hired within the PFEA. A program designed with funds from the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of the Government of Spain.

“More training with “Digitalízate Plus” to improve technological skills in the workplace”

“Digitalízate PLUS” grows with the signing of two collaboration agreements between important state training companies, the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) and the State Foundation for Employment Training (Fundae).

International Graduate School (EIP): It is an educational institution belonging to the Mainjobs Group, an organization dedicated to training and technological innovation, with an international vocation and focused on employability. The objective of EIP is to act as a bridge between training and employment, making it possible for young professionals to join leading companies in their sectors.

They launch a Master's degree to promote the training and employment of young people

For the first time in Spain, SAP Spain; Minsait, Indra's company, leader in Information Technology and digital transformation; and the International Graduate School (EIP) come together to train and ensure the employability of university graduates as SAP financial consultants.

This triple collaboration agreement gives a twist to training for quality employment with the development of a specialized Master's Program that aims to cover the high demand for these profiles in the current labor market.

The MainJobs group sponsors Cudeca's solidarity piggy banks

The MainJobs group has signed a one-year collaboration agreement with the Cudeca Foundation as sponsor of the Solidarity Piggy Banks for an amount of 3,000 euros.

In addition, the Malaga company will actively participate in different activities and events to achieve more donations next year.

This business group with more than 13 years of history offers educational technology innovation services to public administrations, companies and individuals internationally.

Signing of agreement between the Spanish Red Cross and Mainjobs-Mainfor Group

Signing of a collaboration agreement between the Social Business Challenge Project and Mainjobs Group – Mainfor, where the agreement was reached to hold workshops, training pills, transfer of spaces for training and other training alliances.

Proof of this is that a workshop focused on “Personal Branding” was held with people participating in the Málaga Red Cross Employment Plan, and how it is important to know how to “sell yourself” in an interview and before a company in order to have more job opportunities. With this workshop, it is intended that participants will acquire skills to carry out and improve their proactive job search.

Plytix, Novaluz, Grupo Mainjobs and Vodafone launch, best companies to work in Malaga in 2021

These companies top the ranking of the best companies to work for in Malaga in 2021, prepared by the consulting firm Great Place To Work.

This certificate aims to annually recognize companies located in Malaga that have wanted to participate in the process as exemplary workplaces, based on the perception of the employees.

For this first edition of 2021, 29 companies of different sizes and sectors have been analyzed, which involved having the opinion of 2,398 workers.

The companies Ideanto and Mainfor sign a patronage contract with the Board

The academic director of Mainfor, Susana Pérez, has signed a patronage agreement under the Andalusia Digital Commitment program.

Andalusia Digital Commitment is an initiative of the Ministry of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment launched in 2007 that contributes to improving the digital skills of Andalusians through different levels of training programs and awareness-raising actions in municipalities of more of 20,000 inhabitants.

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Mainjobs promotes the digital inclusion of more than 90,000 people in Catalonia 

Mainjobs promotes the digital inclusion of more than 90,000 people in Catalonia 

Certification of digital skills within the Digcomp framework: project results

These conferences have been held at the Higher School of Computer Science of the University of Castilla-La Mancha

Mainjobs strengthens its leadership in digital teacher certification with a strategic project together with the Ministry of Education

Mainjobs strengthens its leadership in digital teacher certification with a strategic project together with the Ministry of Education