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Cybersecurity training Mainjobs

Mainjobs will provide Cybersecurity training actions to the citizens of Navarra, a sector with high demand for professionals. 

Mainjobs will provide Cybersecurity training actions to the citizens of Navarra, a sector with high demand for professionals. 

Mainjobs is awarded the contract for Navarro Center for Comprehensive Learning (CNAI) to deliver 8 IT Security training actions in Pamplona and the Ribera region, a project financed by the funds of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (Next Generation EU) and framed in component 20. 

At the end of May the first editions will begin in both geographical locations. The training will be in person, with teachers specialized in cybersecurity and accredited training experience. The courses will take place until the month of November, when the call will end.

In a world where cyber threats and online attacks are becoming more common, it is crucial to protect yourself and prevent unauthorized access to data centers and other IT systems. To this end, the proposed training offer includes the following specialties:  

– Cybersecurity incidents (60 hours).  

– Detection and documentation of cybersecurity incidents (30 hours).  

– Bastion of networks and systems (60 hours).  

– Configuration of computer systems and their devices for installation (30 hours).  

– Safe production start-up (60 hours).  

– Computer forensic analysis (60 hours).  

– Ethical Hacking (60 hours).  

– Cybersecurity regulations (30 hours).  

On the other hand, and as Sergio Postigo, public area director of Mainjobs, highlights, “We take on this new challenge with enthusiasm and responsibility, since the demand for expert professional profiles in cybersecurity will be double the supply in 2024, which is why train many professionals in the coming years.” 

At the end of this training, participants will be equipped with practical knowledge and essential skills to protect themselves against cyber threats, contributing to a safer digital environment both professionally and personally. 

For more information, you can visit the website https://grupomainjobs.com/itinerarios-sector-ciberseguridad/  
