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Mainjobs continues to lead ICT training, being awarded a €6M contract to train 32,000 people in Castilla-La Mancha

Mainjobs continues to lead ICT training, being awarded a €6M contract to train 32,000 people in Castilla-La Mancha

ICT training in Castilla-La Mancha

The General Directorate of Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, belonging to the Vice-Ministry of Digital Transformation of the Community Board of Castilla-La Mancha, has started this past August a program of training in transversal digital skills for the citizens of the region, in which the number of 32,000 people trained will be reached in the next 3 years. As a leader in digital training, Mainjobs is the consulting firm awarded this ambitious project.

The program, called Digital Citizenship, will provide society with a wide range of training offerings made up of 84 courses with different levels of access, designed so that participants can get the most out of new technologies in the work environment, but also in the personal environment. : from doing basic tasks online to creating digital content at a professional level.

The main objective pursued in this project is the digital inclusion of the population, so special emphasis is placed on groups at risk of digital exclusion and on reducing the digital gender gap. Of the more than 32,000 people who will be trained, at least 50% will be women. To achieve this objective, the Vice-Ministry and Mainjobs, the company awarded this project, will collaborate with more than 900 Digital Inclusion Points (PID) distributed by the 5 provinces of Castilla-La Mancha for the delivery of the training actions in person.

“Offering options in person is essential to ensure the participation of those groups that can benefit most from the acquisition of new digital skills. Although the team has an undoubted digital DNA, we are excited to create a community in which people can meet, see each other, exchange knowledge and experiences… We know that it will be a unique experience that is easily accessible even in those areas with lower population density” – Ensures Ignasi Manzanares, project director at Mainjobs.

Castilla-la- Mancha

Between the digital skills that the Digital Citizenship students will acquire, at the most basic level, highlights the use of mobile devices and computers, Internet browsing or communication tools such as email. Mid-level training includes other aspects such as effective management of information on the network or the creation of digital content in various formats. Finally, the advanced courses will allow citizens to enter the world of Programming and configuring simple digital systems, as well as the creation and dissemination of high-level digital content.

Digital Citizenship is a high social impact program that is part of Component 19 of the “National Digital Skills Plan”, within the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, and is possible thanks to the Next Generation European funds. This allows citizen participation in training to be completely free and completely aligned with the demands of the digital revolution that we are currently going through, allowing beneficiaries to face any digital challenge they may encounter in their professional and life lives. /or personal.

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