Mainjobs Group and its International Graduate School take another step to bring training in new technologies closer to everyone who needs it, through FUNDAE's Digitalízate+ platform
The State Foundation for Employment Training (FUNDAE) has incorporated training from the International Graduate School to your platform Go digital+, sealing a collaboration agreement that allows professionals to access free courses on cybersecurity, programming and hacking ethical.

The objective of Digitalízate+ is to promote access to quality training in the digital field to those professionals who can benefit from it, this training being completely free and open access. As a result of this agreement, platform users will be able to find four webinars focused on cybersecurity, as well as an introductory course to Python and another on computer fundamentals. hacking ethical.
Until now, the number of visits that the Digitalízate+ platform has received exceeds four million, a figure that will continue to grow thanks to the high quality of the content it offers. This platform is proof of the commitment that some companies, as well as the SEPE and FUNDAE itself, have to bring training closer to society, especially in those disciplines that are most in demand in the current labor market and that can be of great help. for professionals a wide variety of sectors.
The agreement has been signed by Eusebio Villalón, CEO of Mainjobs Group, who has acted as a representative of the International Graduate School; Gerardo Gutiérrez Ardoy, general director of SEPE; and Antonio de Luis Acebedo, managing director of FUNDAE. In addition, the event was attended by Manuel García Moreno, general director of EIP, and representatives of social agents such as CEOE, Cepyme, UGT and CC. OO.)