Programa Kit Digital financiado por los fondos Next Generation del mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia

Boost the digital transformation of your company

We get you up to €12,000 so that your business achieves all its objectives

Thanks to the call for aid from the Digital Kit Program financed by European Next Generation funds within the Transformation and Resilience Recovery Plan.

What is the Digital Kit?

It's a aid program financed by the European Union through the Next Generation EU funds, whose objective is subsidize the implementation of digital solutions so that companies achieve significant progress in their digital maturity.

They can benefit Self-employed workers and companies with 1 to 49 workers in any sector. Varying the amount of aid depending on the number of employees:

  • Until 12.000 € subsidy for companies between 10-49 employees.
  • Until 6.000 € subsidy for companies between 3-9 employees.
  • Until 2.000 € subsidy for companies between 1-2 employees.
kit digital
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Make the leap to digital

At Grupo Mainjobs we help you design the digital solutions that your company needs, carrying out the necessary procedures from advice to implementation, so that you can take advantage of the subsidized aid from the 100% Digital Kit:

– We will design a new one for you more commercial and functional website, which will be positioned better in search engines.

– We will help you sell more with your own online store.

We will improve your presence on social networks with the management and dynamization of our communication team.

We will improve your presence in the online world.

– We will design a personalized dashboard for your company with which you will have control of all the business information and you will be able to make better decisions.

Categories and solutions


A new website designed with love, modern, adapted to your corporate image and optimized for mobile devices that captures, captivates and falls in love with the people who visit it.

Amount: €2000 + VAT


We will help you get more followers and build customer loyalty. You can stop worrying about making publications. We will take care of it, informing you at all times of its evolution.

Amount: 2000 € + VAT


Managing your online store will be very simple. Once created, we will teach you the basics such as processing orders, uploading new products and managing customers.

Amount: 2000 €  + VAT


Revolutionize the way you make decisions with this tool for monitoring the vital data of your business: commercial, financial, production, sales, expenses, etc. indicators.

Amount: Between €1,500 and €4,000  + VAT


We will help you improve your positioning on the internet, increasing your reach of potential clients and increasing visitor traffic to your online sites.

Amount: 2000 €  + VAT

Digitizing your business in 3 steps

Grant Application

From March 15, 2022

  • Between 10 to 49 workers since March.
  • Between 3 and 9 workers since June/July.
  • Up to 2 workers from September/October.

Choice of digital solutions

Within 6 months

The maximum period to sign the agreement with the Digitizing Agent will be 6 months from the time the aid is granted.

Implementation of digital solutions

Within 3 months

After signing the agreement, we will implement the selected digital solutions and justify the subsidy within a maximum period of 3 months.

The granting of aid is carried out in the order of registration – Contact us NOW to manage it as soon as possible

The Digital Kit Program is financed by European Next Generation funds within the Transformation and Resilience Recovery Plan.

Contact your digitalization consultant to resolve any questions

Do you want to digitally re-evolve your company?

At Grupo Mainjobs we want to accompany you and advise you to do it at no cost with the help of the Digital Kit program. From the request, the procedures, the implementation, the design and the execution of the most adapted solutions for your organization.

Programa Kit Digital financiado por los fondos Next Generation del mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia